Okay so I’ve never actually witnessed or been part of an exploding turkey fryer catastrophe, but it sounded awesome. I’ve always wanted to try frying a turkey and it would definitely make for an awesome holiday story for years to come right? Yeah I thought so too. My nephew did fall out of our tree on Memorial Day and ended up with a broken wrist, concussion, and mild case of amnesia though so that was pretty horrible and scary (and hilarious to talk about now that he’s totally fine and back to climbing trees again). Other than that I really don’t have a lot of crazy holiday mishap stories to tell, but I do have a feeling that this year will be the beginning for us. You see, before it was just me, my son and my husband and we would have my sister and her kids and my mom over for brunch or whatever. The craziest part of the holidays was trying to get to everyone’s functions on both sides of the family and remember to wear stretchy pants instead of jeans because you had to eat 42 different meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day to incorporate everyone. This year, the holiday dynamic has changed.
To bring you up to speed, my family now consists of me, my husband, 11 year old son and 2 year old daughter. Toddlers and holidays are always a riot right? (Remember: the memories will be priceless no matter how nutso I think I’m going now!!) Well, add to that my sister, her husband, four children (ages 11, 8, 5, and 2), and my mom. But wait, that’s not all, my husband’s parents have decided to move back to town so they will be around this holiday season along with the gal that works with them (she’s super sweet although I don’t know if she knows what she’s in for). Not only have they moved back, but their house is being built right next door as I type this so they will also be partaking in our annual holiday festivities. It doesn’t get any better than that right? Well, it might if you add in the 6 dogs that are present at any given time (between all the families). Yes friends, the craziness is about to ensue! I have put vodka and sedatives on the top of my holiday shopping list (although I’m not sure if I’ll be handing them out or hoarding them for myself.)
Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my family and my in-laws and I’m happy that everyone can be together for the holidays, it’s just a lot of people in my little abode and a lot of food to cook in my tiny little kitchen and mama only has one day off work this year. (I’m pretty sure after this year, my husband is going to agree that I either need a.) a major kitchen overhaul, or b.) an entirely new house….possibly in another state.) You see the problem is that when I get overwhelmed, tired, and stressed out (and how else would I feel with 14+ people in my home on Thanksgiving Day) I tend to get snarky (others have used the term bitchy but whatever, opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one). I know shocking, right? But you see when this really becomes a problem, is when other people present have very strong personalities as well (and if you’re reading this, there are a couple that fit this description so don’t think I’m singling anyone out…you’re all freakin crazy! ). On a normal day, I have learned that I don’t always have to see eye to eye with everyone all the time. I’ve learned to do a better job of biting my tongue and picking my battles. (I don’t always want to because lord knows I’m always right), but for the sake of my husband and children I remain quiet….except for when I’m overly stressed. This my friends is where I fear the problem will lie. All I can say is lord, please keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth this holiday season because I think my patience is about to be put to the test.
What’s your best holiday family chaos moment? What part of the holidays pushes your nerves to the limits? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
hello from the bloody mary hop. Our Thanksgivings are pretty relaxing. We have it down to a science. Me my mom and sis start around 9 get the turkey in get the sides made and then we sit in the living room and drink coffee look at sale papers and take naps. The rest of the family shows up late afternoon and thinks we have been working all day!
tam@ spinstersnacks.com
See – that’s what the day looks like in my head when I’m planning it out….never ends up like that though!