{This post is brought to you by Big G Cereals, but my love for cereal and comic books is 100% my own!}
You may think that I’m a bit weird, and that writing an entire post about cereal couldn’t possibly be “exciting”, but you’re wrong. Because guess what, this isn’t really about cereal at all. It’s about family, children, and building their confidence. Anyone that follows on Facebook, probably already knows that my love for Lucky Charms is unfaltering. It’s a lifelong love that I hope to pass on to my children, and my children’s children. When I learned that besides making Lucky Charms (as if that weren’t enough!), Big G had a line of Super Hero comics coming out in their cereal boxes this spring, I was beyond thrilled! This totally made my day because if there’s one thing everyone in my family agrees on, it’s our love for Super Hero’s. I mean just check out the latest new baby announcement from my cousin (and by latest I mean this week!)
Comic books isn’t where the fun ends though. There’s much more to the collaboration between DC Comics and Big G Cereals. Specially marked boxes of Big G Cereals will also include wearable, cut-out Super Hero costume pieces! My kids actually made me take the cereal out of the boxes so they could get started with their cut outs immediately! (Followed up a very short time later by a heaping bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for the boy and Trix for my daughter of course!) Kids and adults alike can be inspired by Super Heroes. In our household we encourage not only the creativity inspired by Super Heroes and imaginary play, but we also want to encourage our kids (and yes, sometimes parents!) to put on their Super Hero face, costume, or attitude and strike a Super Hero pose so that we begin each day with confidence. A confident child is a happy, successful child and happy kids often lead to happy parents. Trust me, it’s true.
The DC COMICS JUSTICE LEAGUE Super Hero team includes some of our favorites like SUPERMAN™, BATMAN™, Wonder Woman, THE FLASH, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Cyborg. As the fan I’m sure you are, you can look for your very own collectible comics in specially marked Big G cereals starting now and until supplies last (end of April 2014). In addition to 25 or more action packed pages, extended online versions of the comics can be found at Big G Cereal Heroes.
Participating Big G cereals include Cinnamon Toast Crunch™ (12.2 oz. and 21.25 oz.), Lucky Charms™ (20.5 oz.), Honey Nut Cheerios™ (12.25 oz. and 21.6 oz.), Trix™ (10.7 oz.), Cookie Crisp™ (11.25 oz.), and Reese’s® Puffs® (13 oz.). Big G cereals can be found at all mass grocery retailers across the country. A bonus fifth issue is available in Cheerios at Target.
Do you have photos of your kids #SuperHeroing? We encourage you to post them to social media and make sure you don’t forget the hashtag so everyone can see how awesome the heroes of your family are!
What are your family’s favorite Super Heroes and why? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
Summer Crosbie says
March 18, 2014 at 9:15 amWe love Batman!
Angela C says
March 18, 2014 at 9:30 amGosh I could write a whole post about cereal! haha My kids love looking through comic books! I will be looking for marked boxes!
Eugenia says
March 18, 2014 at 11:16 amCute pictures!
cole says
March 18, 2014 at 5:50 pmI love cereal box extras!
Laura MyNewestAddiction says
March 18, 2014 at 6:51 pmLoooooove super heroes! Batman was always my fave!
Beverly says
March 19, 2014 at 8:49 amJust stopping by from the Chain Linky CLIMB. Thanks so much for linky up.
Someone said that if you wait long enough it will come back in style. I remember get comic books in cereal when I was a kid. How exciting that they are doing it again.
I added you on G+
Have a great week,
Mary from Mission: to Save says
March 22, 2014 at 8:43 pmWe are huge super hero fans. And my family can eat a box of cereal in one sitting… so this is a perfect pair! Thanks for the post
Becka says
March 24, 2014 at 4:01 amWe are in love with just about any super hero. I think at the moment my son would say steve of minecraft which although is not a super hero but is his answer for about any what is your favorite question lately. My oldest girl is a big Wonder Woman and Super Girl fan. The little one still thinks the Wiggles are super heros. 🙂 Have a great day!!!
Alison says
March 24, 2014 at 12:51 pmThat’s funny but my son is pretty fond of Minecraft too…I don’t get it, but I haven’t actually sat down and checked it out yet either! I have to agree with your daughter – Wonder Woman is pretty awesome (this dates me, but I’m a Shera fan at heart…)!
Vicky @ Mess For Less says
March 25, 2014 at 10:35 amThe masks were big hits at our house as well. Great post!
Laura MyNewestAddiction says
April 1, 2014 at 9:46 amFunny! My son loves all these super heroes! 😀
Sarah says
April 1, 2014 at 10:07 amI think that Lucky Charms has to be my favorite cereal! I don’t have any kids, but my husband and brother are definitely into super heroes!
Alison says
April 1, 2014 at 10:21 amWe are a Lucky Charms loving family too! Even without the kids I can go through an entire box myself!