Holy moly I quit! I quit my job, I quit my blog, I quit trying to keep the house clean, the dogs from making a mess, the family happy, the bank account in the positive…I just quit. Okay I really don’t but it sure felt good to say it and pretend for a minute that I could just let everyone fend for themselves. Can I quit any of those things? No…not really. It would be nice though to have like an entire day off from any responsibilities whatsoever wouldn’t it? I guess that’s not really part of being a responsible parent and adult though.I’m sure you all have those days, or moments, too don’t you? I can’t be the only one that gets to feeling tired, lazy, and just wants a break, even if it is a short lived one.
On second thought, is that really what I want? I’d miss my job (plus I sort of need it to pay the bills), I love my blog too much to give up on it, my house would be a mess (partly because of the dogs), the family would be irritable, and we’d be broke. Doesn’t sound quite as blissful as it did to begin with now does it? That’s just what I have to keep reminding myself when I feel a little overwhelmed.
When it looks like a tornado just went through the house I’ve been so desperately trying to clean I just have to take a step back and remember that its not a museum…rather its lived in by a busy family that includes two happy, healthy, active, and very, very messy children. If someone pops in and has a problem with it I will very politely show them where the broom is kept.
When I don’t get as many page views on my blog as I’d hoped for because my post was so freaking awesome how could everyone not want to read it, I have to remember that there’s always tomorrow and that post, or the one after that, or maybe the next one, will be truly epic and it will be all I can do not to crash the servers. (Ummmm…yeah I know, hopes and dreams, but that’s all any of us really have right?) I mean here you are reading this post right now so what you’re telling me is, there’s a chance.
When the checking account is looking a little pitiful, I just have to remember that at least there’s a balance in there because there was a time in the past where that wasn’t the case…it wasn’t looking slim because I just paid the mortgage and the new Harley payment, rather I didn’t know how I was going to pay the rent or if I’d be able to scrape up gas money. So there’s that…and even though sometimes it feels like everything is sucking a big fat egg, its just not that bad.
So there you go, my pity party for the day…I think everyone is entitled to one every once in a while as long as they don’t make it a habit. I think what’s really important is being able to cry your river, get it out of your system, and reflect on things to realize a.) it could truly be worse and b.) what you can do to improve on the things that are causing you to feel defeated. Having the answer isn’t always as important as being able to find it.
So, share with me…what’s got you feeling defeated these days? Maybe it’s not life altering, but it’s really eating away at you — everyone’s got something. Maybe we can all help each other with tips and ideas to turn those frowns upside down! Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
We all need a day where we dont do anything. I try to do that on Sunday, it is my blog break day
I need to figure out how to have a break day, but working full time, sometimes the weekend is the only time I have to really write or work on my blog…maybe if I just took off Saturday afternoons or something it would help instead of feeling like I have to be “connected” all day every day.
I was having my own little pitty-party today and reading this reminded me of what is important. My house is lived in by a healthy, happy family….and while we don’t have a lot of money in the bank, at least I am able to pay the mortgage and keep food on the table. And the sun is finally shining today….maybe spring really is coming!
Thank you!
I’m so happy it helped with your perspective…I think we all can use a little nudge sometimes to remind us of what we all really have…and the sun is out here too today… FINALLY!! Thanks for pointing that out!
I get like that just “QUIT” with blogging quite a bit–I feel I just cannot get my blog to grow–but then I realize I NEED to get it out there a little more grab the readers attention…also as a blog that specializes in review I find it hard to “SELL MYSELF”
I have found a few small blogger groups and get words of encouragement to pick my self up by my BIG GAL panties and BLOG ON =D
Yes!! I find that when I get that feeling it’s because I’ve had a slow few days or week but often it’s partly my own fault for not promoting enough or sometimes, while I’d rather not admit it, not writing anything that great. Once I give myself a kick in the pants and get back on the bandwagon, it usually turns itself around and something good happens!
For me it’s just not having enough time to do everything I want to do.
I think not enough time is a HUGE factor! If I had more “time” I could clean more, work more, etc.so I wouldn’t be as frustrated about not getting it done…maybe…
Doing everything you listed on top of 100+ animals to care for and 39 incubating lizard eggs and planning a wedding – all as a single mother. My fiance is overseas; he’ll be back for three weeks for the wedding/honeymoon then back to Korea until the end of the year. I’m honestly overwhelmed more than not, but it’s like, where could I possibly take time off? I try to schedule 9-10 pm for myself every day, but pretty often I end up working straight through to bedtime. I have the means to hire help, but I don’t want anyone around my (rather expensive) animals partly because an accident with them could cost me thousands, and partly because there are people who will steal exotic animals for themselves or to sell.
So I just try to tell myself that I only have 9 more months to make it on my own.
I feel you! When I post something that I worked REALLY hard on & it gets no loves I want to throw a slightly embarrassing tantrum. I know the blogosphere is big but there are days when I’m like “HEY THIS IS A REALLY GREAT ONE YOU’RE MISSING!” lol
I have strep throat that I am dying inside. I need to be creating good NEW content but instead I am falling apart!
I have these days a lot lately and have really slowed down on blogging, I needed the break! Taking a breather always helps 🙂
Rick and I were fortunate enough to be able to retire in our 50s. I loved my job when I was working. I felt competent and the work was gratifying. I have to say I haven’t missed it at all. My days are full. My blog has kind of filled the void somewhat.
I feel like this all the time. I have a feeling you are about to have good things come your way! The sunshine always comes out after the rain! Hang in there..
I’ve been feeling this way a lot the past couple of weeks. I just want to run away to a secluded island.
I feel like I want to burn all the mail (bills), eat a bunch of junk food, and stop working out. I feel like I’ve got nothing to show for all my hard work put into fitness and eating right. I know it takes some time, but I want instant gratification. But you are right….it could be worse. I just have to keep looking at the positives and happiness I DO have. 🙂
Ugh… I totally get it (even the big diet fail part)…Although I’m jumping back on that bandwagon again tomorrow and hoping i can stick with it this time!