Some of these items were received free of charge to facilitate a review. All opinions are 100% my own. This post contains affiliate links.
You know, ladies aren’t the only ones that like to get a special little something on Valentine’s Day. They might not admit it, but us guys like a little something sometimes too. Traditionally Valentine’s Day is a couples holiday aimed at swooning ladies in my opinion, but if you gals are trying to think of something nice to get your man, I have a few great Valentine gift ideas for you.
Smooth Viking Beard Products – do you have a manly man on your list? That manly mane is not easy to keep looking glorious like you may think. It takes some work and some dedicated care, just like your beautiful locks girls. If you think your guy’s chinny chin chin could use some TLC, then you may want to think about Smooth Viking’s line of Beard Balms, Oils, and Conditioners. Unconditioned Beards can be hard and brittle which is the opposite of warm and cuddly, so Smooth Viking helps to keep your beard soft and easy to manage. Made with 100% Natural ingredients, the conditioner will help repaid dry hair and help with new beard growth.
Vaxza iPhone 6 Cell Phone Battery Case – I didn’t know I need this until I received it to review. I’m on my phone all day…okay, actually I’m at work all day, but I work in a shop so I stream music (and yes watch You Tube) pretty much all day long. My phone battery was always dead by the time I got off work in the evenings, sometimes long before, until this little gem came along. This Vaxza battery case provides up to 14 extra hours of talk time and 10 hours browsing time for the iPhone 6 while simultaneously providing protection for your phone. The case charges simultaneously alongside your phone through a lightning cable. I’ve been using this case for well over a month now, and let me tell you it’s still working great. Definitely a worthwhile little surprise for your guy.
XBox Live Gold 12 Month Membership – If your guy has an XBox One or and XBox 360, he will want this and he will love you for getting it. Even if he already has a subscription, he can just tack this on the end of it and right now, Best Buy has a killer deal with a 12 Month subscription card for only $39.99 which is way cheaper than paying month by month. Trust me, he’ll love it if you let your geek side show with this little token of love.
So, not a ton of ideas, but some fun stuff I know I wouldn’t mind receiving just in case you still need to get something for your favorite guy. What other stuff is out there for dudes on Valentine’s Day? What awesome ideas have you come up with or cool things have you received in the past? Let me know in the comments below!
I love this! The Xbox live idea is so clutch. What’s better than a gift that keeps on giving??
My fiance took over my blog today with his own picks for guys everywhere…different ideas than yours, but fun nonetheless!