Think back with me if you will. It’s probably High School and you are head over heels for your first serious boyfriend or girlfriend. In fact, in just a few weeks it’ll be a year you’ve been officially “together”. A High School year for a couple is like 10 for us seasoned adults…it’s a long time. But then out of nowhere, or maybe you’ve sensed it but thought you couldn’t be right, regardless, that call comes one evening that changes everything. “I think we should break up but I still love you and want to remain best friends.” What does a 16 year old do with that? Man I don’t miss those days of sick and twisted hormones and emotions.
What makes it worse is that I can’t fix this. This is not in my control and all I can do is try to get him to believe me when I tell him he will recover, and move on, and even have fun these last two years of High School. I mean it’s his junior year; he’s an upperclassman now. This is when it gets fun! I promise…
But all the mama promises in the world don’t ease the hurt right now. And I’m hurt too because I love this girl like my own. It would be much easier if I could point out all these flaws and why he can do better, but I love her too. I hope they end up working through it as much as he does…well maybe not as much as him but you get the point. But I keep that to myself because I don’t want to give him false hope just to be knocked down again…that would be worse.
So how do I help him? Band camp starts tomorrow and they play the same instrument – talk about awkward and emotionally grueling. If you have advice throw it at me…in the meantime I’ll be sitting here with my mama heart breaking…
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