Not enough people make the most of their outdoor yard area; me included. Managed correctly, it can provide an additional living space, one that’s beautiful, relaxing, and fun for the whole family. Alas, there is a common problem when it comes to a person’s yard: they take time and energy to get into the required level of shape, and it’s not always easy to make things happen, especially if you’ve got no prior experience with outdoor work. Thus here I am with lots of space and opportunity, but not the know how to produce what I can see in my head. The good news is that there are alternative options, however. Take a look at the tips that we’ve outlined below, and we can start our journey to a fun and picturesque yard .
Keep Things Simple
The reason why so many yards fall short is that they’re left in an unfinished state. The property owner created extensive plans during a moment of motivation, but then, shortly into the project, realized that it was too big to complete, or simply got sidetracked by other things. Welcome to my life. Big dream, not enough time. When you’re trying to put a yard together, it’s best to do as I say, not as I do, and keep things simple. That means having plants that are native to the area (and thus easy to look after) and focusing more on making it presentable rather than exquisite. You’ll always be able to build up your yard later if you want to make it more advanced.
Get Professional Help
Of course, even basic yard work takes time, and not everyone has that. Rather than just letting the outdoor space become reclaimed by nature, if your budget allows, you can take a look at working with the professionals. Letting a landscaping company handle your grass, plants, and other yard tasks will give you all the benefits of a finely curated yard, without the hard work. If you know that you don’t have the time or expertise to bring your yard up to standard, hire others to do it for you.
Basic Entertainment
If you’ve got an eye on making your yard the hangout spot of the summer, which is my personal goal, then you’ll want to avoid over-complicating things. Over-complicating is my specialty…don’t be me. You’ll only get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done if you try to make things too perfect. The thing about summer is that you only need to have a few essentials on board to make things work! For example, if you’ve got outdoor furniture, a BBQ, and other relaxing features, then you’ll be good to go. Everything else can come later — when the sunshine rolls around, a few key ingredients are all you’ll need to enjoy your outdoor space.
Make It Smaller
You’re going to have a hard time getting your yard under control if it’s the size of a football field. OK, that’s an exaggeration, but you know what we mean: the smaller your outdoor area is, the easier it is to manage. So if it’s currently too large for your needs, why not look at making it smaller? Adding decking or paving over the grass area will reduce the size of the area that needs to be actively managed, and you can still make the space look presentable.

What are your yard design goals? Do you have an amazing space you’ve created? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
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