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When we are thinking about our health, we tend to consider our diet. This is the number one way for most people to feel in control of their well being. Physically, you want to be an ideal weight, be relatively fit, and have a strong immunity. Because we are in charge of our diet and what we put into our bodies, we often think that this is the only route to a healthy lifestyle, but is there more to it? Take a look at why food isn’t the be all and end all of healthy living. Yes it plays a part, but it’s only a portion of the whole.
They often say that you are what you eat. While you might think that this is a bit of an exaggeration, there is some truth in this statement. Try to cut back on the saturated fats, takeaways and sugary snacks in your diet and replace them with whole grains, plenty of leafy green vegetables, lean meats and fish and nuts. Nuts are often given a bad press because of the fat that they contain. However, this is the sort of fat that is beneficial to your heart health, skin and complexion. Consider making your own almond oil and cooking with this rather than vegetable oil to add another nutrient to your diet.
Consider your portion sizes and don’t fall into the trap of eating late at night. Stick to an eating plan and use one of the many free apps now available to help chart your eating habits. This can help you to discover a new healthier way of eating.
Those of us that lead more sedentary lifestyles tend to be more unhealthy than those of us who try to keep active. This doesn’t mean that you have to morph into a gym bunny, pound the treadmill and begin training for a marathon. Instead, consider spending more time outdoors. Do a spot of gardening, enjoy taking some leisurely strolls to the park and take up jogging. You should be partaking in thirty minutes of activity at least three times a week to maintain fitness levels, to control your weight and to boost your heart health. You could join a gym, or you could simply join a walking group, have a go at a martial arts class, or join a ladies soccer team. Give it a go and have fun!

Most people don’t associate sleep with health, but it is scientifically proven that you are more likely to die younger if you don’t sleep for at least seven hours each night. To try and improve your sleeping habits, you need to employ a better sleep routine. Banish the smartphone and tablet at eight PM. Forget about scrolling through your social media feeds just before your head hits the sack. Run yourself a hot bath and try to wind down prior to heading to bed. Watch some TV, have a light meal, listen to some music or consider a spot of mindfulness. When you head up to bed, your mind needs to be calm rather than running at a hundred miles an hour.
Food and diet is key to healthy living, but you shouldn’t neglect the other factors needed to maintain good physical well being.
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