The run-up to Christmas can be tricky for relationships, both long and short term. The two weeks before Christmas Day are the most popular weeks of the year for marriages and other long term relationships to breakdown. Some attribute this to the stress of the season, and others think that it’s because all of the adverts, films and songs talking about family values, love and joy, make people think about the problems in their own relationships, and maybe different things that they would like.
But, none of us wants to spend Christmas Day alone. And we certainly don’t want to start the New Year nursing a broken heart. So, here’s a look at some of the things that you can do to help your relationship survive Christmas.
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Deal with Your Own Stress
Often we’re snappy with the people that we love because we are stressed out, tired and have far too much to do. Many of the arguments that we have with our loved ones over Christmas have nothing to do with our relationship, and more to do with everything else that is going on.
Learn how to manage your own stress, take a break, and remember what is essential over Christmas, and your relationship might not suffer. If you are stressed out, speak to your partner, share your worries and let them know that your mood has nothing to do with how you feel about them.
Tackle Any Big Issues
If you know that you have severe issues in your relationship, don’t try to ignore them until the holidays are over. It can be scary voicing concerns or suggesting something like sex addiction treatment or counseling, but putting it off, or trying to forget about it tends just to make things worse.
Sit down with your partner and have an honest chat about your relationship. It might be to simply reassure each other that you are both happy and that you have no worries. But, it might be to make plans and confront issues.
Speak to Each Other
Keep talking. It’s easy to feel alone at Christmas like you need to do everything yourself. You don’t. Ask your partner to help, and keep communicating even when you are busy.
Take Some Time as a Couple
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Get away from Christmas. Book a babysitter if you need to, or book an afternoon off work and go out on a date. Go for lunch or dinner, or take a trip to the cinema. Get some time out as a couple.
As Well as Some Time For Yourself
Time on your own is always essential. It’s one of the best ways to beat stress, remember what is important and get some rest. Make sure you spend a little time alone to chill out over the holiday period.
Be Considerate of Each Other
Remember, your partner might be busier than usual too. They might have extra work on and shopping to worry about. Be considerate of their needs, and ask them what you could do to help. At Christmas sometimes we all need a reminder that it’s not about gifts or money. It’s about spending time with the people that we love.
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