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The ability to hear is a precious sense and it is important to take care of it. Imagine not being able to hear your favorite song or the voice of someone that you are close to. These are things that we all take for granted, but our ability to communicate is often very reliant on our hearing. So, when you start to experience hearing loss, it is important to understand the signs and to do something about it as soon as possible.
Hearing loss is not just something that affects us in old age. Anybody of any age could experience hearing loss. Hearing loss can come on quite gradually, or it could start becoming more apparent very quickly. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of hearing loss, then you should get your hearing tested by an audiologist.
What Are The Signs Of Hearing Loss?
There are several things that you should look out for that may demonstrate that you are experiencing hearing loss. Having to ask people to repeat themselves because you missed words or phrases is a common sign. If you find that you need to turn the TV up louder and louder because you can’t hear it well, then this may be an indication. You may not realize how loud you have it turned up until someone else comments on the volume. If you struggle to make out specific voices when there are a lot of people around you, then this may be an element of your hearing loss also.
What Causes Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss can be caused by a build-up of earwax, learn more about how this can affect you. It could be due to an infection that has never been fully cleared. On some occasions, there may be some physical damage to part of your inner ear.
Some of the problems that cause hearing loss can be treated, and for those that can’t, a hearing aid can be worn to help you to hear properly again.
Getting Your Hearing Tested
If you are experiencing hearing loss it is important to visit an audiologist to get it diagnosed. Sometimes, the hearing loss can be reversed and having your ears tested will mean that you can identify if this can be done.
The audiologist will examine the inside of your ear and will ask you to complete a test where you listen to a series of different sounds. You will be asked to indicate when you have heard one of the sounds. This will help the audiologist pinpoint the problem and then come to a conclusion about what should be done to help you. This may be that you need to have ear wax removed, a treatment of antibiotics, or a hearing aid.
Hearing aids are lightweight and are designed to be both comfortable and inconspicuous. They may take some getting used to, but you will be able to enjoy much better hearing through the use of one.
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