If there’s one thing everybody can agree on right now, it’s that we could all do with a little peace of mind. How do you get peace of mind during a pandemic – is it possible? It is, and here, we’re going to show you how to do it. Read on to find out:
Practice Better Self Care
Looking after yourself is always important, but there’s no time more important than a global pandemic. What is your self care routine like currently? If you know that it’s lacking, take the steps to improve it. Self care is unique and individual to each person, but it can encompass numerous things. For example:
- Taking long baths with a nice drink and a TV show.
- Paint your nails.
- Cook delicious food – but don’t forget your vegetables.
- Drink your water.
- Take vitamins.
Do whatever makes you feel like you’re looking after yourself, except for cutting bangs. I repeat, do not cut your own bangs. Use this time as ‘me time’. You are worth the time and effort!
Take Precautions To Protect Yourself
Of course, you can’t have peace of mind if you don’t take the precautions needed to protect yourself. It’s worth investing in a mask and hand sanitizer for when you must leave the house, and when you do your shopping, consider wiping down each item before bringing it inside.
Make sure you know what to expect in terms of symptoms so you can keep an eye on them, too. For example, a temperature of 100.4 degrees indicates that you have a fever and should be careful. Don’t go out if you feel like you may have symptoms, even if they are mild.
Strengthen Your Connection With Loved Ones
This is the perfect time to strengthen your connection with loved ones, even if you are having to spend time apart. Arrange regular Skype dates with them, create a group chat, and aim to catch up regularly. It can be tempting to hide yourself away but humans are social creatures, so this can make us feel worse.
Be Present
When you’re not in the present moment, you’re either living in the past or the future. The past is no longer here, and the future hasn’t happened yet. The best thing you can hope to do is live in the present moment. This doesn’t mean you can’t make exciting plans for the future, of course, but you should aim to make each moment as magical as possible without stressing about past/future.
Download an app and get into the meditation habit. Even if you do one minute a day, it’ll help you get into the habit so you can benefit. You will find that meditation:
- Lowers stress.
- Improves cognitive ability.
- Enhances your ability to remain positive, compassionate, and focused.
- Boosts creativity and innovation.
- Improves sleep quality.
- Improves relationships.

Start Journaling
Need an outlet for all of your feelings? Try journaling. Don’t censor yourself or think too much about what you’re writing; just get what’s in your head, out of your head. Treat it as a ‘word dump’. You should feel better if you start the day by doing this as it’ll give you a clean slate.
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