If you want to get the most out of your teeth, but don’t like the idea of putting chemicals on them or paying a lot for professional treatments, there are plenty of ways to achieve this.
However, before you implement the following tips, there are various things you ought to factor in. Such as whether you are wearing clear braces, how sensitive your teeth are and more.
This blog post will show you ways that are 100% natural and won’t cost you anything!
Drinking Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt
Drinking milk, cheese and yogurt is a great way to give your teeth some protection against bacteria. In addition, the lactic acid in these foods can help keep the pH balance on your pearly whites more neutral.
Apples, Celery, and Carrots
Apples, celery, and carrots are also great as they contain many natural teeth whitening agents. In addition, they have high levels of calcium, which helps to give your teeth that healthy white hue.
Oranges and Pineapples
Oranges and pineapples are also a great natural way to keep your teeth white. They have the same pH balance as milk, which means that they’re perfect for keeping bacteria at bay while they work their magic on those pearly whites!
Strawberries are also great for keeping your teeth white because they have lots of natural antioxidants. These help to keep the enamel on your pearly whites nice and healthy, which means that you’ll be able to preserve their whiteness!
Baking Soda
Another thing to add is baking soda. Baking soda has a high pH level, which means that it’s great for neutralizing the bacteria on your teeth and leaving you with an all-white smile!
Mint Tea
Another thing that is great for your teeth is mint tea, which is a good option if you wear braces. Mint tea has a lot of natural antioxidants that will help keep the enamel on your pearly whites nice and healthy, which means you’ll be able to preserve their whiteness!
Coconut Oil Piling
Coconut oil piling also has many natural antioxidants that will help keep the enamel on your pearly whites nice and healthy, which means you’ll be able to preserve their whiteness!
Do Herbs Work?
In the meantime, you can also use some natural herbs to help with your teeth whitening. Again, this is something that will work well if you’re looking for a quick fix, and it’s also a lot cheaper than going out and buying professional treatments!
You should be able to get most of these ingredients from your local health store. There are a few different herbs that can help brighten up your teeth and make them pearly white. These include parsley, sage leaves, yarrow flowers or roots, peppermint tea, and cinnamon sticks.
Mix these in boiling water for five minutes, then leave to cool before you rinse with the mixture. Of course, you should also drink lots of water and try to avoid sweets!
Natural Toothpaste
Lastly, make sure that you’re brushing with natural toothpaste too. There are lots of them out there that are great for keeping your teeth white without having to put all those nasty chemicals on them. Charcoal toothpaste is also perfect for this!
There are many ways to keep your teeth white without having to resort to all those nasty chemicals. Remember, before you start any treatment, make sure that you consult with a dentist so they can give you the best advice for what is best suited for your teeth and mouth!
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