If you are generally healthy, and then you suddenly find that you have developed some hearing loss, it can actually come as a huge surprise. It’s also the kind of thing that can really disrupt your daily life if you are not careful. At the very least, you will certainly want to make sure that you are doing something about it as soon as possible. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the possible reasons you might develop hearing loss, and what you can do about each of them in turn.
First of all, one of the most obvious and most common reasons that you might develop hearing loss is because you have undergone some kind of damage to the ear, either the inner ear or the eardrum or another part altogether. This damage might even be painless, so you might not know that it has taken place at all, until you suddenly start to notice that you are losing your hearing. And when it happens, the hearing loss can be very gradual too. To avoid this, take care around loud noises and take care of your ears generally.
Believe it or not, allergies can cause hearing loss too. Sometimes when you get a certain allergy, you might find that you have itchy ears, tinnitus in one or both ears, and occasionally hearing loss too. In most cases, this hearing loss will be temporary, but there are going to be times when it persists, especially if you allow the allergy to continue without doing anything to treat it. Be sure to take your antihistamine and keep on top of the allergy, to avoid long-term hearing loss of this kind.
If you have ever had a wax buildup, you will know that it can affect how much you are able to hear quite profoundly, so this too is something that you are going to want to be aware of if you are struggling with hearing loss. Sometimes all you really need to do is to clear the wax out of your ears, and then you should find that you are able to hear much better. But be careful – you should never stick anything directly into the hole of the ear, as this can cause damage or push the wax further in. Just gently wipe around the earhole, and use olive oil on some tissue paper to gently loosen the wax.
If you have ever had a perforated eardrum, you will probably be aware that this can be a particularly difficult experience too. This can happen for a number of reasons: a loud sound, being on an airplane, or many other things besides. Whatever the cause, perforated eardrums do heal themselves in a few weeks, so normally this is just a waiting game. But your doctor or audiologist might suggest that you take some medication to help the process along too.
Those are just some of the reasons you might have developed hearing loss.
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