So you’ve decided that divorce is the best course of action for you and your partner. Now you’re left with the decision of what’s best for your children. Unfortunately, children often get caught in the middle of relationship breakdowns and are left feeling unsure and insecure about the future.
The last thing you want is for your child to feel negatively so it’s important that you do everything you can to get through your child custody battle with dignity. Here are some tips on how to do that.
Put Your Child’s Needs First
Sadly, many parents can lose sight of the most important thing during a child custody battle and that’s the welfare of the child. If you’re focusing on winning the battle so much that you forget about your child’s needs, the judge will pick up on it. Remember that children benefit from having both parents around.
Try to come to an amicable agreement with your partner and your family lawyer. The sooner you can lay out what’s best for your child together, the sooner your child begins to feel secure again.
Address All Aspects Of Your Life
It’s important to get a good family lawyer who can discuss the parts of your life that will be under the microscope during this battle. Nothing is off limits when it comes to the custody of a child so it’s important that you identify any areas of your life that could be used against you.
If there are any areas of your life that could be viewed negatively, your lawyer can advise you on how to minimize damage. You should be mindful of what you post on social media and what you say to your ex partner. Everything you write down can be used as evidence of your character.
Be Present in Your Child’s Life
If you want custody of your child, you need to show that you’re involved in his life. This could mean picking up and dropping off at school, attending extra curricular activities as support, and spending quality time together. If the judge can see that you’re choosing to spend time with your friends and leaving your child with a babysitter, it could be viewed negatively.
It’s important to show that spending time with your child is important to you and you’ll make room for your child wherever you can.
Make Sacrifices
There’s no such thing as a winner when it comes to child custody. You need to be willing to sacrifice and be flexible for the best outcome for your child. Even if it means it hurts you, be willing to work with your ex partner to come to a suitable agreement that benefits your child.
It could mean giving up some of your weekend time with your child or missing out on holidays to make sure your child has the best of both worlds.
Divorce is never easy but your child custody battle doesn’t have to be ugly. If you’ve found this article helpful, take a look at the others.
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