Stress is unpleasant and damaging. But it is unavoidable. Unless you isolate yourself from everyone and everything, you can not create a life void of stress. Yet, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Indeed, while stress is a response to external events or situations, it doesn’t mean we are powerless. Stress is a […]
5 Signs That Your Stress is Getting Out Of Control
Stress may seem an unavoidable consequence of living in the 2020s. After all, these are the years that seemed like sci-fi territory when we were growing up in the dying gasps of the 20th century. Now, life moves at a pace that’s even faster than we could have imagined. Through the little glass and plastic […]
How To Cope When It Feels Like Nothing Is Easy
So many wellness blogs talk about coping with minor, inconsequential ups and downs in life. They discuss things like dealing with a colleague talking about you behind your back or somebody on a dating app failing to text you back. In life, though, sometimes, the worst really does happen. And what’s more, we don’t receive […]
Top Tips For Leading A More Content Life
“The greatest wealth is to live content with little” Plato Leading a happier, more content life is the one thing that almost everyone in the world is aiming for. It is so much more than feeling good or plastering a smile on your face. It is the feeling of feeling truly at peace with your […]
How To Make Your Work Life Less Stressful
Work life can get stressful, and none of us are really immune to stress in life. It can creep up on us, or it can be brewing away until it finally boils over. It’s important to try and focus on making your work life more enjoyable and putting yourself through less pressure. Here are some […]
7 Practical Ways To De-Stress Yourself
It’s no secret that many people find themselves feeling rather stressed because of work or issues occurring in their personal lives. In fact, I challenge you to find someone who isn’t dealing with stress in their life for one reason or another. Stress is something that virtually all people will experience at some point in […]
Self-Care: Important Wellness Hacks to Look After Yourself Today
We all know that health and well-being are so important in modern life, and more of us than ever are taking steps to look after themselves. This is a great way of being able to take care of the way you are living on a daily basis, and this is something to work on right […]
Can Your Relationship Survive Christmas?
The run-up to Christmas can be tricky for relationships, both long and short term. The two weeks before Christmas Day are the most popular weeks of the year for marriages and other long term relationships to breakdown. Some attribute this to the stress of the season, and others think that it’s because all of the […]
4 Ways To Beat Stress In 30 Minutes or Less
Finding ways to beat stress is more important than ever. We all live such stressful lives and it feels like you never have a minute to yourself. But if you don’t keep your stress in check, it can have some serious health consequences. Stress can manifest in different ways for different people. For me, it’s […]
9 Ways To Look After Yourself
I know, I talk about self-care a lot lately. Partly because I don’t do it enough and I figure if I need a reminder, somebody else probably does too. We all know that we should make more effort to prioritize our own health, both physical and mental, but it can be a challenge at times figuring out where to start with this, especially if you have let things slip. *Guilty*