Teenagers are amazing in so many ways. They an also be jerks. It’s really a love – hate relationship with my teenager and his teenage rebellion (which is honestly pretty tame in comparison to my 17 year old self, but shhh….don’t tell him that). My Chemical Romance stated that teenagers scared the living sh&t out […]
What To Expect When Your Kid Hits Puberty
FFFUUUUNNNN let me tell you. Do you remember going to the stores to buy all the baby books that you could get your hands on? There’s one out there called “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”, and it’s a book that a lot of mothers are eager to read – and why not? It talks […]
Hair Care Tips for Teen Boys
Most people are aware that I have a 14 year old, almost 15 year old son. My first born and my oldest child, he’s the one responsible for teaching me how to be a mother and raising him has been a pleasure, but now that he’s a teenager, in high school, I’m finding that I […]
Keep Momming
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Shire. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. Raising a child at any age is challenging, and when it come to mothers and daughters, the dynamic can be even more complex. What some may dismiss as “typical […]