If you’re happily single but you’d like to start a family as you feel like it’s the right time for you, what’s stopping you from having that baby alone? Of course, you may feel like there’s many things stopping you. This can feel like a big, scary decision to make all by yourself. Babies are hard work! However, more and more people are deciding to forgo the partner and just go straight to the baby. Is this the right course of action for you? You’ll find out below:
You’re Going To Be Exhausted
‘Tell me something I don’t know… ‘ you’re probably thinking with an eye roll, but it has to be said. You may have heard it 1000 times before, but the fact is, you’re not going to understand just how exhausting parenting is until you’re doing it. You can imagine it, you can speak to many exhausted friends about it, but that won’t make it any easier for you when you’re operating on 2 hours of broken sleep.
Babies may wake up anywhere from 3-9 times a night. You won’t have anybody to share that responsibility with, or anybody to make you a coffee while you attempt to change them and drag yourselves downstairs. It’s all down to you. You need to carefully put yourself in this position before you visit an Advanced Fertility Clinic determined to become a single parent by choice.
You May Get Lonely
Single moms may not like to tell the world that they’re lonely – but more often than not, they’ve felt it. Your child has all of those exciting milestones to hit; crawling, rolling over, walking, and yet you will only get excited about it alone. You might even miss it if you have to run to the bathroom.
How hard can it be? You might think. Well, so hard that sometimes your baby may not like being put down. So hard that you have to keep them close to you every minute of the day, and don’t even find the time to get dressed or have a shower. Don’t think ‘that won’t be me’ until you’ve actually tried it. You’d be surprised at how many people actually experience this.
Self Care Is Super Important
Self care when you’re parenting on your own often means forcing yourself to stay up a little bit later when you could be sleeping, or napping. Some may even feel guilty for it, but self care is essential – it’s self preservation, and you need to do a little of what makes your soul happy. Somebody might want to do 15 minutes of yoga and stretching in the morning, while somebody else may choose to read because it keeps their mind sane. What you do is up to you, but you’re going to need something.
Find Your Mom Friends
You may have rolled your eyes at the mom friends you see on social media and in real life, but having a group of your own really does help. You can vent to this group, share your frustrations and worries, and socialize your kids while you’re at it. It’ll save you!
Having a baby alone is a big deal, and only you know if it’s right for you.
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