If you’re struggling to get rid of those last fatty deposits on problem areas, and diet and exercise just doesn’t seem to cut it, there are treatments available. There are both surgical and non-invasive on the list. To give further help deciding which treatment is best for you try Bodenvy.com.
Vaser is a type of liposuction which uses ultrasound technology in order to loosen fat cells prior to the suction procedure. This is beneficial because people have different sorts of fat both hard and soft and it can vary from person to person. It will involve minor surgery under general, local or regional anesthesia, depending on the amount and the area. The results are usually very evident but not noticeable for about six weeks. Temporary side effects can include bumpy skin and numbness. It’s recommended to take four to seven days of work after the procedure to recover.
Laser Lipo
This treatment makes traditional liposuction less invasive by targeting tissue density and dissolving fat cells with a laser. This procedure is better for smaller areas of fat. The treatment time can vary but it usually only takes one session. A localized anesthesia is used making it pain-free, however you will need two to three days rest afterwards. Side effects can include tenderness, bruising and minor scarring. After the swelling goes done, you will see results but not until after several weeks.
Radiofrequency is used here to heat fat cells in order to kill them completely. The thermal manipulation is usually done over two to three sessions, each lasting between thirty and sixty minutes. You might be left with side effects occasionally such as lumps and tenderness, but you should see results after eight to twelve weeks.
Zerona is procedure carried out using a cold laser. This treatment can only be offered if the patient has already gone on a diet prior to the appointment. The treatment is one of the mildest and therefore least effective. It consists of six forty minute sessions in a two week period. There is no recovery time and side effects are rare. Many patients have commented however that there are hardly any visible results.
This non-invasive treatment uses heat to kill fat cells. It is normally carried out over two to three twenty-five minute sessions. Some patients may feel warmth and tingling afterwards but there is no recovery time and you can go straight back to your normal life. It’s possible you’ll feel a bit of stiffness or swelling as well but results should be visible in eight to twelve weeks.
Also non-invasive, cool sculpting uses cold temperatures in order to freeze off fat cells. This treatment is becoming increasingly popular for it’s great results and non-invasive procedure. It consists of two to three thirty-five minute treatments where cold temperatures are applied to your fat cells, but not affecting your skin or the rest of your body. No recovery time necessary and patients might only feel some tingling or numbness afterwards. The results appear within eight to twelve weeks.
Now am I saying you should or shouldn’t do these things? Not at all, just that they’re options. Have you or anyone you know tried any of these new options for fat loss? What was your experience? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
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