Who doesn’t like vacation? I think it’s one of those things everyone looks forward to be it a long weekend or weeks on end. Going on holiday is just so much fun, yet we only get to do it once or twice a year. It’s such a shame that something we love so much is something we can only do sporadically. It literally is the one escape we feel like we have from reality. The moment you step off the plane the other end you can just feel your stress melting away. But that feeling is short-lived, and before you know it the holiday blues are here to stay. So, why not think of a new way of holidaying so that you can have a break whenever you want to have one.
Why should you have to spend thousands every time you want to go on holiday, and only be able to go one or two weeks of the year.? The amount of hard work and effort that we put into life means that we should be getting more out of it, and to us that means having the freedom to be able to travel as much as you want to when work allows. So, keep on reading, and we’ll talk you through two ways that we think you can holiday differently, and get more out of it.
Caravaning & Camping
You’re either going to be the type of person who loves the idea of this, or you couldn’t think of anything worse. We know that some people are ‘holiday snobs’, and prefer only to stay in nice hotels, which is perfectly ok. However, for all of you who want that sense of adventure, a caravan could be the answer. A big initial investment we know, but this about how many times you’ll be able to take it out on the open road and get to somewhere new. You could even find yourself going somewhere new every single weekend. Searching for used caravans is easier than ever before, and we’d recommend finding one that’s super modern and new, because it’s something you’ll have in your life for so many years to come. Camping is something you can do if your budget is really low. All you have to do is pack the car and find a nice camping site and you’re away!
City Breaks Rather Than Big Holidays
For the price you pay when you go on a big summer holiday, you could easily afford to go on a city break three or four times. It might be a shorter holiday, but it’s still that break from reality that you need. A long weekend every everything month or so will be that refreshment your mind and body needs. Plus, you’ll get so much out of a city break because you’re generally always moving around to see what’s about. So think of Rome, Barcelona, New York, and all of the other cool destinations that you can go to! There are so many deals to be found online as well, especially if you can go at a time when the kids are in school. Prices are often slashed in half if you can get a good deal at that time.
What’s your favorite way to vacation without the actual vacation? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
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