I can’t be the only one who feels even more tired and scattered because of all the staying at home, than I did before quarantine, and murder hornets, and riots…It’s all so very exhausting!
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When lockdown first started, it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Two months later, and with rioting taking place across the US, it doesn’t appear as if the end is in sight. Yes, that’s bad news because it means another extended period without visiting friends and loved ones, which sucks.
However, you must worry about fatigue, too. If you assume that tiredness isn’t an issue when you’re stuck at home all day, you’re mistaken. The truth is that doing nothing is often more energy-sapping than a full day of activities. Therefore, you may wake up each day and struggle to get out of bed.
When this happens, your ability to stay positive and look on the bright side takes a hit. And, without a high level of mental fortitude, self-isolation only gets more challenging the longer it continues. You’ve got to understand why you’re experiencing tiredness so that you can spot the triggers and take action.
For those who are unsure of why fatigue plays a significant part in lockdown life, the following should help. Although it’s worth noting that everyone is different, these are the most common causes that impact people across the board.
Unscheduled Lie-ins
Have you been placed on leave? Have your hours been cut and now you’re working less? If you’re one of the unfortunate people whose daily routine isn’t set in stone any longer, it’s tempting to tweak your schedule. A classic example is your sleep patterns. Waking up at seven-thirty in the morning seems pointless when you’ve got the whole day to waste!
Unfortunately, a lie-in messes with your circadian rhythm, which is a fancy way of saying “sleep cycle.” While it feels good to stay in bed until eleven in the morning, your body won’t respond well to the change as it won’t know how to regulate your sleep patterns. As a result, it’s easy to feel drowsy, as if you haven’t woken up, even after nine to ten hours rest.
Studies prove that a regular bedtime and wake-up time are better for your mind and body as it encourages REM sleep. This is the type of rest that allows you to rise early and feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day. If you’ve been slacking from a sleep perspective, it’s time to go back to your old schedule.
A Lack Of Vitamin D
Another reason to experience high levels of tiredness is a lack of vitamins. All vitamins are essential for maintaining and regulating the body. Yet, in this case, it’s all about vitamin D. D is found in food, such as fruits and vegetables, but it’s typically the nutrient that your skin absorbs via sunlight.
Can you see where this is going? Yes, lockdown means you can’t get out of the house as much, which means you’re stuck inside a lot. Sadly, even the lightest and brightest homes aren’t airy enough to let in the amount of UV rays the body needs. The only option is to go outside and breathe in the fresh air. Exercising is an excellent option, yet you may not feel safe on the streets at the moment. That’s fine, as sitting in your front or back garden/yard should top up your vitamin D levels.
If you’re wondering why a lack of vitamin D leads to fatigue, it’s because the vitamin is essential for long-lasting and restorative sleep. You can take multivitamins if leaving the house is tricky right now. Just be careful to read the label beforehand as you must understand the dosage to avoid health problems.
Too Much Screen Time
There is nothing to do, so you turn on the TV and binge Netflix. If anything, you’re glad that you finally have an excuse to indulge in a show without feeling guilty. You even experience tiredness after a couple of episodes and use it as a means to go to bed and fall to sleep right away.
On the face of it, there isn’t anything wrong with relying on mobile devices. However, the symptoms of too much screen time are very conclusive. From a severe headache to blurry vision, there’s no doubt that it has an impact on your health. From an energy perspective, it isn’t a great motivator, either, as blue lights prevent you from sleeping soundly.
The key is to switch activities to those that don’t include cell phones and tablets, which is challenging. Thankfully, something as simple as a Wordsearch and or Sudoku are readily accessible. Word fill in puzzle books are a great way to pass the time, too. Of course, reading is a classically healthy way to stay entertained without harming your health.
Only you know if you lean on devices regularly. If you do, it’s well worth thinking of new ways to maintain engagement.
You’re Not Decompressing
For many people, lockdown is a busy time. If you’re a parent with kids, your new role as a teacher is enough to make sure the time flies by without a second thought. Plus, you’ve still got the household chores to do, as well as family members to help. The fortunate people need to figure out how to manage these responsibilities while working from home.
In this scenario, the reason your suffering from fatigue is obvious – you’re not decompressing. Currently, your home is everything from a makeshift office to a temporary classroom, and there is nowhere to get away from life for an hour. Therefore, you’ve got to search for ways to de-stress, especially if going outside isn’t an option.
A handy trick is to clear away the clutter on the kitchen table if the kids use it as a base for their schoolwork. Then, dinner will feel like you’re eating at home as a family rather than in a classroom! Alternatively, don’t feel guilty if you have to retire to the bedroom for thirty minutes to recharge your batteries.
Parents need “Me” time as much as kids need to let loose and burn off energy. Home workouts are useful if you like to work out to relieve stress yet are housebound.
Done correctly, snacking isn’t as unhealthy as people assume. As long as the calories are in check, and the food isn’t full of saturated fats, snacks are fantastic ways to boost energy stores. The problem with living at home is that you’re bored, and boredom leads to an obligatory glance at the fridge.
Overeating is the first hurdle, and there is a second one – eating too many carbs. Carbohydrates are essential for a balanced diet, but lots of them lead to a spike in your sugar levels. As a result, it’s easy to crash and burn halfway through the day without an explanation. If you enjoy a snack, try and refrain from consuming foods that are high in carbs or sugar.
Another tactic is to use a healthy ingredient as the base and add a treat on top. There are tons of examples, but apple slices smeared with peanut butter has to be at the top of the list. PB is delicious, and the apple eliminates the need to have it on starchy bread. You can find inspiration by clicking on the link.
Lockdown fatigue is inevitable in many ways. However, your routine could play a considerable part in why you’re always tired. If you feel zapped of energy, the key is to take in more vitamin D, snack healthily, and avoid screen time where possible.
How are you staying motivated? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
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