Perpetually tired. That’s what I am. No matter what lifestyle changes I make, or how hard I try, it seems that getting and adequate amount of good sleep is something that still eludes me. I know I’m definitely not the only one.
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Nearly everyone will experience poor sleep at some point in their lives. Hopefully, this will be short-lived and a natural response to trauma, worries, or some stressful days at work. However, for some people, the acute period of sleeping poorly doesn’t rectify itself and can morph into something more chronic. If you feel like you are suffering from insomnia, the chances are that you struggle to function, it can be difficult to focus on anything, and you are constantly fatigued throughout the day. Your mood may be low, and you feel teary more often than not. Suffering from insomnia doesn’t have to be something that you learn to live with. Take a look at these three sure-fire ways to hit the sack and sleep well.
Develop A Routine
If you head to bed late or dread resting your head on your pillow, you won’t get a good night’s sleep. Instead, you need to develop a routine that enables you to feel as relaxed as possible before resting your weary bones. You don’t want to be heading to bed with your mind whirring and active thoughts flying through your head.
Consider the sorts of things you can do to help you feel more calm. Run yourself a hot bath, light some scented candles, put on some chilled out tunes, and have a long hot soak in the tub. This can help you to relax and feel less stressed. Your happy hormone, dopamine will be released into your bloodstream, negating the effects of the stress hormone, cortisone. After your bath, don’t drink a cup of stimulating coffee, and instead, read a book in bed. When you feel sleepy, turn off the light and breathe deeply to calm your mind and drift away to a peaceful sleep.
Underlying Conditions
For some people, insomnia can develop as a result of an underlying health condition. Sleep apnea can cause you to wake up suddenly from a deep sleep as you stop breathing momentarily. This can cause horrendous bouts of broken sleep resulting in tiredness the following day. You can learn more about how sleep apnea can be treated with breathing apparatus and special masks.
You could be suffering from restless leg syndrome. This makes it challenging to find a restful position, and you might be shifting positions throughout the night, leading to broken sleep.
Banish The Screen
Too many people spend their time scrolling through Facebook and Twitter when in bed. This can keep your mind active and promote a stress response. Exposure to social media is too stimulating and needs to be limited to ensure that you remain relaxed. Blue light keeps your mind active and can result in you heading to bed with worries and concerns that you ponder throughout the night. Go for a screen detox to limit your social media time for at least three hours before bed.
Follow this guide, and you will enjoy unbroken and restful sleep to promote a happier and more content existence.
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