I love camping. Always have, but due to the current state of worldly events, it seems to have become insta-popular with the masses. People that previously would have barely considered “glamping” are now outdoorsy woods-people because that’s all there is to do beside stay in the house. I love my family but come on – my vacation from being with them 24/7 is also being with them 24/7…this is getting scarier by the second!
PC: Pexels
What pops into your mind when you think about going on camp? A grizzly bear gnawing on your foot? Stepping on a poisonous spider? Getting stuck in a storm and having to somehow ride out the night with nothing more than a torch and a survival blanket? If camping feels like an ordeal for you, then you’re in for the shock of your life. In 2020, things are so bad that it could be your safest vacay option this summer. Crazy, isn’t it?
The Problem With Hotels
Hotels are a big no-no right now, for obvious reasons. When the industry constructed its buildings, it designed them to pack people as tightly together as possible. It also fitted air conditioning systems that circulated air from room to room, allowing you to smell the malodorous guest next door. But with a killer virus on the loose, many people wonder whether spending two weeks in such a setup is workable. It seems no less dangerous than a cruise ship. And those were COVID-19 factory production lines!
Hotels also have another dire problem: keeping their staff infection-free. Even if cleaners wait until guests leave their rooms, there’s a substantial chance that they’ll pick up the virus from a contaminated surface, especially in the bathroom. Regular holidays don’t seem like an option.
The Problem With Going Abroad
Going abroad also presents additional problems. And for precisely the same reasons. Flying in an aircraft, for instance, is a bad idea. You’re in a glorified tin can with hundreds of other people, are sputtering and coughing constantly. All it takes is a single airborne virus particle to leave their mouth and go up your nose, and you’re in trouble. Worse still, air filtration systems on modern airliners recycle the vast bulk of the air in the cabin to maintain adequate pressure. So everyone’s coughs, sneezes, and other bodily emissions return to your lungs, time and time again.
The Return Of Camping
PC: Pexels
Camping, therefore, might just be your best shot at making this year’s summer vacation safe. Government officials have already said that people should meet outdoors as much as possible if they can. And so, camping seems like the perfect way to slash risks and prevent the transmission of infection.
It’s time, therefore, to buy your tactical clothing and get your sleeping bag ordered. Even if you spend a few hundred dollars on equipment, you’re still saving money versus a traditional vacation. And more importantly, you’re able to enjoy nature – something you probably haven’t done since the announcement of the lock down.
You know something is seriously wrong when camping feels like the safest option. But that’s where we are right now. Like it or not, millions of people will be descending on fields across the country, looking for the bright sunshine and a patch of grass to keep them safe. They’ll also appreciate the fact that they’re saving money and still having a good time, so they can worry less about their recession finances. Just don’t get cold at night.
PC: Pexels
Okay dish…what’s your favorite spot to camp or your favorite camping memory? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
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