Children are inquisitive creatures and they spend a lot of their early years soaking in information like a sponge. It is true that teaching children things from a young age is the best way to instil information into them – and it makes us wonder why schools don’t teach them life skills.
Today we want to take a look at some of the skills as well as lessons you can teach your young children outside school to get them ready for everything life has to offer. There are a lot of important lessons your child will need to learn for later life and here we have some examples for you to teach this year.
The first thing many teenagers say when they leave school is that they wish they had learnt about mortgages. A mortgage is one of the most basic concepts we have to know as adults – so why aren’t our children taught about how to apply for one? Talk your child through how you bought your house this year and consider showing them your contract and lease to help them understand how the process works. This is a skill that will put them ahead of everyone else their age and will make their life easier as they grow older.

Tax is a mystery even for many adults, and children have no idea what tax means. It is a good idea for you to explain the importance of paying tax and the purpose of tax to fund government and essential services. Knowing that they have to make a contribution to the wider world to help it run will instil a feeling of responsibility and understanding in your child that can be valuable later on.
Sex education
One of the things teachers often try to avoid it up the absolute latest is sex education – and sadly by the time kids are taught about this it has already become a taboo subject and something to laugh about. The best way to teach your child about sex education is start from a very young age and use a book that has illustrations of sexual organs and the process of sexual intercourse as well as the formation of an embryo. Sexual education shouldn’t be seen as ‘inappropriate’ because it is a natural part of life as much as breathing. By showing your child the process in a matter of fact fashion early on, they won’t feel awkward later in their life when they discuss it in school. You can also talk about contraception and consider showing them different types such as the contraceptive pill online and the implant as well as their function. Don’t be afraid to teach your child about sex – don’t make it a big deal.
One of the things your child has to learn from an early age is responsibility. One way to teach your child responsibility from an early age is to get them a pet and allow them to look after it and take care of it. This will allow you to observe your child and show them what it takes to care for another living thing. By taking care of a small animal like a fish, a mouse, or a turtle from a young age – they will grow a sense of responsibility as they grow older and they won’t be fussy about things such as chores.
Politics can be a confusing subject and some adults don’t even fully understand the way the country works. It is a good idea to teach your child small things about politics from a young age such as parties, leaders, and values. You don’t need to get into the nitty gritty stuff and confuse your child right away – but a basic understanding of politics and its role in the world is a good thing to teach your child.
Every child needs to be compassionate and understand the value of others in their life. You need to start teaching your child compassion from a young age by showing them the beauty of nature, of all living things, and the good in other people. Allow your child to understand that every life has meaning and value and that every living thing should be treated with compassion and understanding.

It is so important for you to teach your child about healthy eating from a young age. Nutrition is something a lot of us have to learn in adulthood because we don’t get taught enough about this in school. When preparing food, consider talking to your child about the ingredients and their benefits and ways to balance diet. Doing this will make a massive difference and will teach your child a valuable lesson they can take on to make healthy decisions in their life.
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