Okay, if you’re reading this you’re online so you understand that social media is hugely important in conveying information and advertising to consumers. In fact, most of you probably discovered this blog though a social media channel of some sort (Facebook, Twitter, Google + anyone?). I hate to say that as bloggers and business owners, we rely on social media to be successful, but ultimately it’s a true statement. Even small entrepreneurs with physical storefronts and large corporations are now reaching out through social media to share their products and information and grow their market. Without social media, many companies that operate solely online (including blogs) would not be as well-known and many may not exist at all because of the inability to reach their audience. If you are trying to get information out to people, you are probably using social media and if you’re not, you should be.
This brings me to social bookmarking. What in the heck is that? Well, it’s something that I’d be willing to bet pretty much all of you reading this have used. Social bookmarking can be something as simple as texting, sharing, or e-mailing a website link to someone to check out. We’ve pretty much all done that right? Heck I do it almost daily! Now, being able to save sites of interest and find or share them readily has become so important that social bookmarking sites have become quite popular. Anyone here familiar with Stumbleupon or Pinterest? Thought so!
As you can see, social bookmarking and the use of social media in general, has the potential to get your site (your blog, your business, or your cause), in front of new people almost instantly. (Well, maybe not instantly, but pretty darn quickly.) If you want to expand your blogs reader base or get in front of new customers for your business or organization, make sure you are using social bookmarking to your advantage. Where do I go to do this though you ask? Well, here are the top 3 social bookmarking sites that I’ve personally seen results from:
- Stumbleupon: Now I’ve just started using StumbleUpon in like the last two weeks, but I’ve already seen a pretty good increase in my blog traffic coming from here. So far it’s been a awesome and I’ve stumbled a lot of new sites and articles that are super interesting as well so it’s a win-win for me. As you come across awesome content that you like and would like to save or share, you hit the Plus Sign or Thumbs Up button on toolbar. There is also the option of a thumbs down if you hate it and StumbleUpon will try not to show you that type of content anymore.
- Pinterest: I’m sure most of you use Pinterest, and if you do, you know that it is a virtual pin board where you keep all kinds of information that you want to retrieve later…recipes, fashion, funny photos, dream homes, crafts, tattoos, hair styles, pretty much anything that is of interest to you. But do you realize that when you’re pinning those items, what you’re doing is social bookmarking as well? The principle is the same as with other social bookmarking sites, other than Pinterest relies totally on visuals…if you don’t have a picture to go with it, you can’t put it on Pinterest.
- Facebook: We’re probably all familiar with Facebook and while it is a social “sharing” site, it does have a social bookmarking element. All of the articles that you share on your fan page, business page, or back and forth between friends; well, that’s social bookmarking as well. Although I use Facebook more than any other social media site, I put Facebook lower on the list with regard to social bookmarking for two reasons: 1) The other two do drive more traffic when I use them consistently, and 2) If you have a fan page or business page, you know that Facebook really limits your reach by their own algorithms so that prohibits you from sharing with as many as you’d like to. (If you’re interested in increasing your Facebook reach, check out my post on ways to Increase Your Facebook Reach for Free.)
What are your favorite social bookmarking sites? Where do you the majority of your website traffic from? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
SU and Pinterest are my biggest traffic sources. Also, having a giveaway is huge and Giveaway Promote and Contest Chest also bring me unique readers. Now I know that giveaways don’t bring loyal readers, but if you are starting out and focusing on numbers for a bit-having a giveaway to list on these sites will help too
Giveaway promote is awesome for giveaways and definitly helpful to bloggers and businesses just starting out if they are hosting giveaways. 🙂
Pinterest is my biggest traffic source. I too, find that hosting a giveaway is great for driving traffic to your blog.
Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
Have a nice day!
Thanks, Alison, for sharing this great post about social bookmarking. I was particularly interested in your comments about Pinterest. I had always considered it to be for arts/crafts/visual businesses/activities but, from what you are saying, so long as I have pictures to support my content, I can share on Pinterest. I will give it a closer look! Thank you.