I bet you’re wondering if I made my 20 pounds in 21 days goal right? Sadly no, I didn’t, but I definitely wouldn’t call the whole thing a complete waste either because I did lose 17 pounds in 21 days, which is really pretty phenomenal. As of yesterday(Thursday) I have lost a total of 18.8 pounds. Since I was doing so well I’ve decided to go a little longer this round and shoot for a 25 pound total weight loss before going on maintenance and trying to stabilize.
I plan on doing another round this summer to try and get rid of another, and possibly the last 25 pounds, but I haven’t decided if I’ll do that in June after Memorial Day weekend or if I’ll wait until August after I get back from the BlogHer conference weekend in California. Either way’s it’s getting done because I am proof that this plan works if you follow the protocol. I can honestly say that I never feel like I’m starving as you might think, and I truly just feel better…more energy, more alert, less stressed out and grumpy. Part of it is probably because I am happy about the progress I’m making and excited about how much healthier I’m going to be going forward, but I think that it’s also because I’m not always full, tired, and lethargic from overeating a bunch of garbage all the time like I used to. I’m also starting to see physical changes in my body and that says a lot.
Now I’m not saying that I’ll never eat chocolate, or nachos, or have a Mocha again because that’s just not true at all, but I don’t want to get in the habit of that being all I ever had like I was. Hubby agrees and he’s even lost a few pounds just from the change in our diet since he eats what I eat, just larger servings. Imagine what he could do if he went on the drops! (Yes, men have been successful too and most of them actually lose at a faster rate than us ladies because that’s just how men are programmed.)
If you’ve ever thought Omnitrition or the Omni drops diet is something you’d like to give a shot, there’s a little more information here. You can also e-mail me any time and I’d be happy to introduce you to the program or answer any questions — of course I don’t know all the answers, but there’s a great support system that comes with Omni and I guarantee one of my support people does. I honestly don’t know how well I would have done had I attempted the program alone…the support system that goes with the program is absolutely amazing and definitely keeps you inspired to keep at it which really is essential when you’re in the middle of trying to make major lifestyle changes.
What’s the biggest factor that prevents you from trying something new that could improve your lifestyle for the better (no, it doesn’t necessarily have to be just weight and diet related). I know for me self-doubt…if I don’t try it I can’t fail, is often the culprit. Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
Wow, that’s impressive weight loss! I’m just nervous to try a program that involves taking something every day. I’m worried about what will happen when/if I stop taking the supplement to my diet. I REALLY need to lose some weight though.
There are a lot of people with questions about what happens after you stop taking the supplement, and really, as long as you follow the proper diet during the 3 week stabilization period which re-introduces certain foods back in a healthy manner, the majority of people report staying within 5 lbs or so of there final dropping weight with little effort. Obviously you can’t go back to eating nothing but fried foods and chocolate all the time, but you can still indulge as long as it’s reasonable without worrying too much. The diet, done in its entirety re-sets your body to metabolize things like it’s supposed to so you don’t gain every time you look at something slightly unhealthy.
That’s impressive! I’m not going to lie… The biggest hindrance in my own weight loss goals is that I love chocolate (and sweets). I need to buckle down and say NO after the first serving LOL.
That is awesome on losing 17 pounds. keep up the good work!
That’s an insane amount of weight loss in such a short time. Good work!!
It is a lot of weight loss, but it’s been done in such a healthy manner that I haven’t felt bad or shaky, or hungry. It really is a great program and really, anyone can do something for a few weeks right?
That’s fantastic! Congratulations!! I am trying to cut out sugar and and junk and just feel better about myself too!
Where did you find this excel program for the weight and measurements? Or did you create on your own? Would you be willing to share? I am attempting this without support from a distributor. Thank you!!
Absolutely Christy!! Please shoot me an email at horseshoesnhandgrenades@outlook.com and I’ll pull that worksheet and send a copy over to you!
Thank you. I just sent you an email from my hotmail account. Thank you for being willing to share.