Today is my dear husbands birthday and I just wanted to take a minute to share with the world how lucky I am to have him. Don’t get me wrong…our life, our marriage, our family – they aren’t perfect…I don’t know that anyone’s are. I do think though, that they are perfect for us and that’s all anyone can really ask right? Despite his love of material things (you know overgrown child syndrome — if I see something cool I pretty much need to buy it and play with it except I’m an adult and everything I want to buy cost tons and tons of money!), he’s a hard worker and makes sure that we all have what we need and at least a little bit of what we want.
He’s an amazing father and would do anything for the kids…yes even our son who was mine before he was his too. He’s an animal lover and that’s pretty important by my standards because I have a tendency to want to rescue everything that looks like it may be lost. He puts up with my horse obsession even though horses are a money sucking pit…they sure are beautiful though. He doesn’t even hate my blog (most of the time) and as any of you who are bloggers know, it can be very time consuming and the rewards aren’t always visible to others beside yourself. He’s even supportive of my recent weight loss journey and not because he feels I need to lose weight, but because he wants me to be the best me I can be and that means being more comfortable with myself — in this case that means dropping a few (or 50) pounds.
Does he ever get frustrated with me? Yup he does. Does it last very long? Nope it doesn’t. I think that’s normal and I think that’s healthy…without issues, you can’t make improvements to keep the relationship growing and strong. But that’s not really what the point of this post was…it was really just to say that I’m so thankful that we found each other and decided to give it a try. I hope that all though it won’t be super exciting hubby has a great day today on his birthday and I hope that we get to celebrate many, many more birthdays.
What makes your spouse or significant other so great? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
Happy Birthday to your husband! That is a great picture of the two of you!
I also pride my marriage on how our frustrations with each other don’t last long. Sounds like you are as blessed as me to have an awesome husband!
Happy Birthday to your husband! I can’t even begin to write about how amazing my husband is. After a failed marriage, I learned a lot of lessons about what I did and did not want. He is the gentlest, yet strongest man I know. He changed my life and supports me in ways I never knew were possible. I’m so grateful for him every single day.
That’s great Heather! Not to knock 1st marriages, because I don’t regret my 1st marriage at all — but I did learn a lot about myself and what I need to be happy as well as things that I needed to do in order to co-habitate with anyone else so I totally get what you mean!
Tell hubby happy birthday. Make sure you celebrate with him with some cake.
Oh yes we could not have gone without cake! I’m pretty sure he ate about 1/2 a German Chocolate cake on his own!