“Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.” ~Jane Wagner
Do you suffer from stress? Rumor has it over 70% of Americans do. Personally I would think that number would be even higher because really, who doesn’t have something to stress about every once in a while? Hassles, deadlines, debt, any of that stress you out? I know that it’s a normal response, but even though I try to manage it and not worry about things that are outside or my control, I have days where the stress consumes me and I’m probably not a person anyone wants to be around. I don’t like it, but I think most of you would agree, it’s almost impossible not to be stressed out at least sometimes. Such is life right?
I mean with jobs, kids, animals, families, and not being independently wealthy, there’s a lot going on everyday and sometimes you’re dealing with not so positive stuff. Anyone ever gotten an unexpected bill that they had to figure out how to pay? A sick animal that was unexpected? Issues at work or a death in the family? Just too much to do and not enough hours in the day to give it all the attention it probably deserves? Yes, all of those things cause stress and they are just things that unfortunately happen in life for all of us. I can usually tell when I’ve let the stress level get out of hand…it’s usually when I say or do something and think to myself “geezus girl that was bitchy”. Then I know I’ve got to get a grip and chill out a little bit. As I’ve grown older and wiser (at least I like to think so), I’ve found a handful of things (beside a winning lottery ticket, a stiff drink and a prescription), that I can do for myself that do help me to relax a little and get rid of some of the stress.
- Hot Tea or Coffee: This may not be for everyone, but there’s something relaxing about a nice hot cup of tea or coffee, especially when consumed on the couch in my yoga pants. It may not fix the problem that’s bugging me, but it does help calm me down, make me more comfortable and allow me to re-focus and work on a solution rather than being focuses on how crappy the situation is.
- Take A Break: If it’s work or writing (yes this blog sometimes stresses me out!) that’s got me frazzled, I find that sometimes I just need to force myself to shut the computer off and walk away for a while. Sometimes clearing your head and coming back with fresh eyes is all you need to gain a little new perspective.
- Vent: Tell a spouse, a friend, a mom or your awesome little sister about what’s bugging you. It may be something you have no control over but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t stress you out. Have a bitch session about it and get it off your chest — sometimes it just helps.
- Get More Sleep: I get grouchy when I’m tired and I’ll bet you do too. I also get frustrated more easily and that equates to stress. Go to bed a little earlier or sleep a little later, however you get in a couple more hours, I’ll bet when you wake up you’ll be more optimistic and less stressed.
Now I realize this is a short list, but that’s because it’s a realistic list. These are things that anyone can do on a moments notice rather than things that takes days, weeks or months to see a result (like creating a new budget, re-allocating workloads, etc.). Will these little tricks solve the problem entirely? Probably not but they might give you time you need to relax and figure out what to do next before you “freak the freak out” (as my niece would say).
If you want to learn more about how you can stress less and enter to win some cool prizes, be sure to check out Hyland’s 5-Day Stress Challenge. Also, if you take a moment to answer the questions below, on September 16th, 2014 I will choose 1 random winner from all those that have commented to win an awesome gift basket full of Hyland’s products that will help you find your Zen! You’re already feeling less stressed just thinking about it right?
What stresses you out? How do you know when you’re close to your breaking point? What steps do you take to stress less? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
Thank you to Hyland’s for inspiring this post and for hosting the 5-day stress challenge! All opinions about reducing stress are entirely my own.
Things that stress me out are a messy house, things not going my way, husband/family issues, financial issues. Being around people who want to start drama. I know when I am close to a breaking point because I get loud and can feel myself get angry. Steps I take to stress less are go for a walk when I am stressed and just remove my self from the situation. Sometimes, I have just had to weed people or things out of my life that were major stressors.
I get SUPER grumpy when I’m stressed. It’s like I watching myself acting like a crazy person, and can’t stop it. Usually a nap, some food, and a hot shower/bath helps but other times it takes a massage or hard workout. Stress stinks!
I’ve had a horrible week. I actually left work early today and had a panic attack when I got home. I had some hot tea and took a nap. I feel a little better but my head is killing me. I hope you’ve had a great Friday.
Great tips! I’m pretty sure I stress 99% of my life away
Lately, money or a lack of it has been stressing me out. To stress less about that, I just make sure I pay my bills on time and don’t buy any extras right now.
For less stress I take long walks, play mahjongg or sudoku, read, do crossword puzzles or play with my dogs.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
i am a worry wart so everything stresses me out. especially planning things like a birthday party and worrying about every detail. i usually calm myself down by focusing on the things that are going right as opposed to the things going wrong.
Relinquishing my need to worry has really lowered my stress level. So has omitting the phrase, “I have so much to do.”
I get stressed when I have too much to do and no energy to do it.
It’s so ironic that sleep helps combat stress, but stress keeps me from sleeping. 😛
True story right!! Soo exhausted you can’t function yet your brain won’t turn “off” and go to sleep! Story of my life…
I get stressed when deadlines for papers get closer. I have a bad habit of procrastinating so that makes it much worse when I have to do all-nighters. I usually drink lots of coffee and just pull through it.
I am a new mama so I have a constant battle with stress! What helps me is to describe the situation aloud, and it almost always puts things in perspective. “I see that you are upset right now, and I am doing my best to help you through it.” But I always can use some help, being a mama is tough work!
I get frustrated when the house is messy and when I can’t get things together for a deadline. I get angry when I am normal a calm person. I usually try to go for a walk or get some help with whatever I am working on.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner – Jamie from Mamma.Mommy.Mom I’ll be emailing you shortly! Congrats!
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