It’s no secret that there are several different facial cleansing brushes on the market now and to be honest, I’ve never tried any of them until now. I’ve always been curious, but I didn’t know much about them and frankly, hadn’t taken the time to learn. Of course given the opportunity I was stoked to try Soniclear, the world’s first antimicrobial sonic skin cleansing system, from Michael Todd True Organics. This cleansing system claimed to be okay to use even on sensitive skin and said to remove makeup 6x better and cleanse 2x better than with hands alone. Other perks of using a sonic cleansing brush that I found included improving your skin tone, reduce breakouts, and helping with absorption of skin care products. If all this was true, this was something I needed in my life and I could’t figure out how in the heck I had waited so long to try it! Better late than never right?!
I’m thrilled that I had the chance to try the Soniclear cleansing system. So far I love it – it’s easy to use and I know my face certainly feels cleaner than using a washcloth alone. I didn’t realize how big of a difference there was, but then again, I’ve never tried one of these systems before so I had no comparison. The brushes on this are super soft so they’re gentle on my face – I was afraid it was going to be like scrubbing with sandpaper, but that’s definitely not the case at all. There are different speed setting as well so you can choose what feels comfortable on your skin. The charging station doesn’t take up much space so it’s easy to find a spot for it on your bathroom counter and the cleansing unit fit well in my hand so it was comfortable to use. It does have a non-slip grip which is nice since you probably have wet hands when you’re preforming your daily beauty routines. The Soniclear also comes with a separate body cleansing brush which is nice should you choose to use it. I can’t compare to other brands of cleansing brushes out there since I’ve never tried them, but I have researched them and I can say this one is definitely more affordable.
Now I’ve only been using this for a couple of weeks, but so far I love it, however we will see how it stands up over time. So far no issues to report though so I’m pretty optimistic. If you’re interested in picking one of these up or maybe you think it would be the perfect Christmas gift for someone on your list , I have an exclusive 20% off discount good on the Soniclear brush or any other purchase from Michael Todd True Organics! Just click here and enjoy your discount!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I hear this is great! My roommate uses it and loves it!
I would love to try this! It sounds awesome!
I took never really tried before until recently when I received my very own soniclear cleanse system. Love the docking station yours came with
I’m loving my Soniclear!