My daughter is turning four. Yes I said four! I know every mom says it, but it’s true…I can’t believe she’s growing up so fast. Maybe it’s because I know she’s my last “baby” so I’m trying to keep her little as long as I can, but she’s just maturing so quickly. Her real birthday is next Sunday, but we have some close friends who weren’t going to be able to make it over so we had a slighly smaller celebration last night with great food, great company, and some super cute crafts.
First we colored some Pirates of the Carribean pillow cases that the kids were able to take home with them. I found these on Amazon and I loved the idea of having something the kids would be able to take with them and actually be able to use. These were super simple, just color with the crayons provided, heat set the color with and iron, and you’re done.
Next we made some super cute Minnie Mouse ears. I learned how to make these when I went on my fabulous trip to the HP Print & Pamper retreat a few weeks ago. They were so cute I just knew the kiddos would love making them just as much as I did.
For our final craft, I was originally considering photo frames, but since we had some super cool Social Media Snapshots sticky paper from HP, I thought we’d do something a little different so we went with personalized door hangers. I took some super cute pics of the kids while they were making their other crafts, and printed them out on new Social Media Snapshots sticky paper using my HP Envy Printer. We just peeled the back off and stuck them right to the door hangers and then the kiddos decorated the rest of the hanger. So cute and they loved that they had their on picture on there.
Of course we had the obligatory birthday cake to round out the night, but I definitely heard some comments from kids and adults alike about how cool that new photo paper was! I definitely foresee some awesome creations coming in the near furture. If you’re thinking WOW I need to try this, you’re in luck because this paper is now available at Staples and if you purchase a pack here, you’ll get one free now through November 30th.
As an HP Smart Mom Panel member, I received free products in order to host the HP #StickAPic Party. The opinions expressed here are my own.
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