Hearing damage is something that’s fairly common because many of us can forget just how vulnerable it can be in life. With that being said, it’s important to take care of your ears and to ensure that you don’t fall into the category of people who suffer from hearing loss. However, it might be that you already have some form of damage, you just don’t know it yet. Here are five signs that you might have hearing damage.
You’re Asking People To Repeat Themselves
One of the most common signs that someone has got hearing damage is that they often ask people to repeat themselves. This can be something that you do regularly and don’t take much notice of, but it’s something that others are likely to pick up on. Why? Well, for one, it starts to get annoying when you have to repeat yourself over and over again. But also, it’s often things that should have been heard, and because it’s been asked to be repeated, it’s more apparent in those you spend a lot of time with like friends and family.
So be conscious of yourself when you’re engaged in conversations. Do you struggle to hear things when you’re in an environment that might be busy? If conversations are head to pick up, sometimes it’s due to the loud environment but for the most part, you should be able to pick up what’s being said. Otherwise, it might be that you’re dealing with some degree of damage to your hearing.
You’re Often Lip-Reading
Lip-reading is something that tends to be done in an environment where the background noise is so loud, you have to look at someone’s lips to tell what’s being said. However, if you find yourself looking down at someone’s lips to make out what they’re saying in a normal situation, then it might be you’ve conditioned yourself to do this as a way of working out what someone is saying. That might be a telling sign that actually, there’s some form of hearing loss because most of the time, you can hear what’s being said by facing them head-on or facing away from them. If you find yourself lip-reading more, then this might be a sign that you need to get your hearing checked out.
There’s Pain Or You Have Regular Infections
A tell-tale sign that’s something is wrong is when you experience some form of ear pain within your ear or that you’re prone to regular infections. Ear infections are never pleasant and are probably one of the most uncomfortable things to experience along with toothache. It can be debilitating and so if you’re experiencing this on a regular basis, then it’s definitely something you should be trying to get help with. To help with pain or infections, make sure you’re looking after yourself by seeing a doctor or hearing professional as soon as you possibly can.
You Don’t Wear Proper Hearing Protection
Hearing protection is vital in times where you need to protect your ears perhaps from loud or excessive sounds and noises. We forget just how damaging sound can be on our ears. So whether you’re working in a loud environment or you’re attending a concert where loud music is being blasted, then make sure you’re wearing hearing protection. This could be in the form of earplugs, or you might wish to get some noise-canceling headphones. Either one of these things will do the job of muffling the sound and making sure it doesn’t harm your hearing ability. The more precautions you can take, the better it is for your hearing in general.
You’re Somewhat Aware Of Your Hearing Quality
When it comes to your hearing quality, it can be a gradual change when it comes to it getting worse. It’s something that you might not be aware of, but in some cases, you may be aware that something has changed in your hearing and you’re just ignoring it. It’s definitely a sense that you don’t want to ignore because it can be handy to be able to hear clearly, especially in everyday situations. Being able to hear the doorbell go or crossing the road safely. These are things that can become more difficult to do if you end up losing some of your hearing.
Hearing damage is something you want to try and see to it as soon as you can. With that being said, try to spot the signs and when needed get the help you need to sort it out.
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