Whoa was that year a doozy, to say the least! Let’s bounce back from the unprecedented year that doesn’t need mentioning by doing something amazing for yourself. Why not use this pivotal point in all of our histories to look and feel our best in 2021? That’s why I’ve compiled a great list of helpful ways you can not only look but also feel your best in 2021.
Reduce Stress by Adding a Form of Meditation
Stress is everywhere. From your home, workplace, and society, stressors are limitless. However, it is the way that we deal with stress that matters. For 2021, the best line of defense against stress is to add a form of meditation. But, for your meditation to work, you must do it regularly. If you don’t like your chosen form, you won’t do it. Some options are gardening, yoga, meditation apps, or even trying a new adventure. Watch this TEDx talk about the three benefits of heading on an adventure.

Enhance Your Smile
Your smile says everything. It is your billboard. It shows your personality and emotions. Although you have been wearing a mask for most of 2020 and 2021, it is time to enhance your smile. The two best ways to liven or rejuvenate your smile are whitening and straightening. If you are looking for the best dental professional for enhancing your smile, you need to do your research. In fact, because of Covid-19, many dental professionals are offering online virtual smile consultations. Let 2021 be the year your smile shines.
Revamp Your Wardrobe and Style
Sweatpants and t-shirts are so last year. It is time to clean out your closet and drawers. Think about what type of clothes make you feel comfortable and confident. If an outfit doesn’t do that, get rid of it. You don’t have to throw it away. Please consider donating or upcycling it. Then, once you have some space, spice up your look with some new pieces. The best fashion advice is to buy items that can play a part in multiple outfits and looks. However, the ultimate goal is to look and feel good in your new purchases.
Make Healthy Food and Drink Choices
You have heard you are what you eat, but that also goes for what you drink. Make sure to hydrate with at least eight glasses of water a day. This keeps your body and skin healthy. You will notice that you need to use less lotion and moisturizer when you are hydrated. This natural glow from hydration is enhanced by a healthy diet. Make sure to try to locally source your organic vegetables and fruits as well as select low-fat proteins. If you are a snacker, don’t worry. You can snack while being health-conscious. Opt for nuts like almonds, cashews, and peanuts as well as avocados.
The world’s your oyster in 2021. With the above four tips, you can look and feel your best in 2021. Whether you are a stay-at-home-mom, professional, retired, or other, you can find the time with these simple ways to bounce back from the last challenging year.
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