Now, more than ever, with the challenges that the pandemic has brought to us all, it’s fair to say we all need a little more kindness in our lives, It’s also fair to say that anything we can do to boost our health will be very much appreciated too. That’s why we should all be practicing random acts of kindness! Yes, really.
Why? Because random acts of kindness can be great for your health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of those around you too. Don’t believe me? Check out these very real benefits random acts of kindness can bring into your life.
They can make you happier
According to a study published by The Journal of Social Psychology, people who performed acts of kindness for just one week saw a rise in their own happiness levels. The degree to which their happiness levels increased was directly related to how many acts of kindness they performed. So, by doing something nice for others, whether it’s donating to the Last Prisoner Project or paying for a cup of coffee for the stranger behind you in the line at Starbucks, the more kind things you do for people, the happier you will be. You’ll also bring a little happiness into their lives too!
They build connection
When you do something noise for someone else, whether that person is known to you or a stranger, it helps to build stronger bonds within your circle and within your community. This is a really good thing for your health because, as you will probably know, loneliness is one of the biggest contributing factors to depression and poor mental health in general. People who are lonely are also more likely to die sooner than those who have a lot of healthy relationships, and more likely to see a significant cognitive decline as they age. Just performing a simple gesture can do so much for your health and the health of those around you!
They reduce stress
There is some evidence to suggest that being kind to others can actually help to reduce cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is commonly known as the stress hormone because it released when we are feeling stressed and causes us to feel the physical and mental symptoms of stress acutely. That means that, by performing a random act of kindness, you really could reduce your stress levels without having to meditate for hours, give up your stressful job or you know, do anything too difficult.
They boost physical health too
Because acts of kindness can affect neurotransmitters and release chemicals like oxytocin and serotonin, they can also help to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health, according to some studies. Is there nothing they can’t do?
As you can see, performing random acts of kindness can really boost your health. It can also boost the health of other people, which means, as a hobby, you could do a whole lot worse than doing something kind for someone else from time to time.
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