If you have the yearning to welcome the patter of tiny paws into your home, think carefully about the commitment required to look after a puppy. Just like the sleepless nights that a newborn baby brings, a little four legged mutt will do the same. Puppies are cute. Very cute. However, they are also in need of a huge amount of your time, love and nurturing. To ensure that your mutt grows up loving, obedient and house trained, you need to put in the hours. If you work from home, or you don’t have kids, this might be an easy challenge to accept.
However, if you don’t work from home, you are out for a few hours every day, and you do have human offspring to take care of as well, a puppy may be one responsibility too much. Instead, you should consider the joys of an older pooch. A hound in his or her advancing years can be a joy to have around the home. These more senior mutts can be a little less energetic and require less of your constant attention than a puppy. Read on to discover why you should adopt an older dog.
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They Are Not Problem Dogs
Many people assume that older mutts that have spent time in a shelter are innately problematic. People assume that they have barking issues, separation anxiety, are badly behaved or simply cannot be trained. Most of the time, these dogs have come from loving homes but their owners are no longer capable of looking after them, or they no longer have the money to care for them. They need a new home as much as the cuter, more aesthetically pleasing little pups. Maybe, you could provide a home for them if your family is willing to accept their habits, foibles and charms.
These older dogs are usually house trained and won’t be creating urine stains on your carpet or going behind the bookcase to poop. They understand right from wrong and can obey the most basic of commands. They will sit, lie down, stay and give paw when asked. They are also less excitable and unmanageable than their younger counterparts. Puppies are fantastic but they are tiring. When the evening witching hour strikes, a puppy will be reenacting the Tasmanian Devil tribute act, nipping at your heels and generally being destructive. An older dog won’t partake in such youthful exuberance.
An older dog tends to want a quieter life. This could be ideal for you and your brood who want a pooch to slot into family life. Give a senior dog a comfy sofa, a warm home and decent grub and they’ll love you forever.
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The Bond
Many people worry that they won’t make a bond with an older dog as they will be missing their previous owner too much. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your mutt will be your best friend. The bond you forge will be reflected by the time you put in to getting to know your dog, understanding his or her temperament and walking him or her. Going down to the park, playing fetch and learning their little traits is part of dog ownership.
An older dog may have a few health issues to contend with but you would encounter these with a younger pet eventually anyway. An older hound may struggle with his or her joints just like a middle aged version of you. Check out the glucosamine dosage for dogs and supplement this in their meals accordingly. Get them checked over by your local vet and purchase comprehensive insurance for your new pooch.
Welcoming a dog into your home is a massive commitment. While you may have dreams of owning a dog from puppyhood, don’t neglect the chance to adopt an older pooch. These dogs are often languishing in shelters and overlooked for younger versions. If you have a home fit for a dog, you should consider visiting the local shelters and checking out the mutts up for adoption. Don’t think that you have to rush into any decision. You won’t be lumbered with a dog that won’t fit into your lifestyle. The staff at these shelters will want to match their dogs with the perfect families as the welfare of the canines is their top priority.
When you are finally ready to get a dog, consider welcoming an older dog into your home. One of these four legged mutts will soon be the extra member of your family that you have been craving.
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