If you’re looking to become more confident, you aren’t alone.
In fact, 85% of the world’s population is affected by low self-esteem. However, this does not mean that it’s something you simply have to learn to live with or accept – as you can build confidence in the same way you would build other skills!
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash
With that in mind, here are four proven ways to boost your confidence.
Step out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes, a lack of confidence can make us hesitant to try something new because we feel we may fail or embarrass ourselves. But these thoughts are actually holding you back from feeling truly confident – which means it’s time to start stepping out of your comfort zone.
Each week, try to take one step further away from your comfort zone in different areas of your life. For example, if you usually take the backseat at work, try asking if you could lead a project or take on additional duties. In your personal life, try to be more assertive or pick up a new hobby.
Develop a skincare routine.
Developing (and sticking to) a skincare routine is another great way to boost your confidence, as it enables you to make the most of your natural beauty. When your routine helps you to deal with any skincare complaints you have, such as acne, wrinkles, or dryness, you’ll feel more confident whenever you look in the mirror and also more empowered to leave the house without wearing make-up.
If you are unsure of where to begin when putting together a skincare routine, consider stopping by a dermatologist’s office, such as lancaster dermatologist. They will be able to provide you with comprehensive treatment and support alongside sharing advice you can follow at home to give your skin a natural, healthy glow.
Give yourself a compliment.
It’s a widely-accepted fact that compliments from others make us feel good about ourselves and our actions. In fact, some studies have found that “being paid a compliment actually lights up the same parts of your brain that get activated when you get paid a monetary award.”
However, you do not have to sit around waiting for someone to pay you a compliment to boost your confidence, as you can achieve the same results by complimenting yourself. While this may seem a bit strange at first, the more well-versed you become in offering praise to yourself instead of seeking it for others, the easier it will become.
Exercise more often.
Exercising is also a great way to increase your self-esteem. For example, it can be a great way to improve your body confidence by changing your relationship with your body for the better. After all, you will no longer be focused on your limits but rather on all that you can achieve as you become fitter and healthier.
Furthermore, as exercise presents a significant challenge, it can be a great way to increase your confidence by showing you that you can do whatever you set your mind to as you overcome any hurdles that come your way.
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