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When you think “radar detector”, what comes to mind first? Roughly the 1990’s and thwarting speeding tickets right? In a former life, that was pretty much the main purpose of a radar detector. With advances in technology, and police catching on to those handy little devices, speeding tickets, and avoiding them, isn’t such a big deal anymore, but let me tell you, a good radar detector is still a very relevant device. Go ahead, ask me why?

These days avoiding tickets is not the primary reason for having a radar detector. As technology has advanced, so have these handy little gadgets. While they still do detect radar signals, safety is much more of a priority in a time when attention spans are short and everyone is always on the go it seems. To keep yourself and your loved ones safer, you can monitor your speed and with the new Uniden R7 Radar Detector, with voice notification and the MAX speed warning system, you will be able to hear when you exceed the preset speed without taking your eyes off the road. This will enable you to maintain a safe driving speed. Pretty handy dandy right? I know my car sometimes has a mind of it’s own when I get into auto-pilot mode, so a reminder that I might want to bring it down a notch, can’t be bad. The large screen also allows you to quickly and easily read the information while allowing you to maintain focus on the road ahead…maintain focus on the road and get everyone there in one piece – the ultimate goal for any driver, any age, and any level of experience.

Now of course, true to the original purpose, the Uniden R7 radar tracks up to four signals simultaneously for greater awareness as you drive. The large OLED display also includes arrows that identify the direction of incoming threats and change color on a scale of green to red to indicate the signal’s strength. But with all those other amazing safety features, I think that’s really going to be the least of your concerns. Curious? Head to your nearest Best Buy and check the Uniden R7 radar detector for yourself.
Do you have a radar detector? Have you ever? What vehicle safety features does your car have? What do you think is the most useful feature? Let em know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
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