Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
When people hear the term ‘food intolerance’, it’s clear that they might get it confused with a food allergy. There will be certain foods that can trigger a food intolerance, similarly to a food allergy, but unlike an allergic reaction (which can be incredibly damaging to the body and even life-threatening), it will simply cause a response within the digestive system.
This doesn’t make it any less painful or frustrating, however, so it’s important that if you are intolerant to a certain type of food, that you can identify it as soon as possible and ensure that you track what you eat. If you want to identify the type of food, you can invest in a food sensitivity test that will inform you of this. There is a number available on the market, including EverlyWell (Find a EverlyWell review here) that you can take at home.
So what are the 6 key signs that you have a food intolerance?
1) You have joint pain
If you’ve started to notice pain in your joints, it might be a sign that you’re intolerant to a particular type of food. Think about what you eat – do you have aches just after eating food? The most common types that can cause inflammation are foods that contain saturated fats, trans fats and sugar. Try cutting certain foods out and see if the joint pain subsides.
2) If you’re constantly tired
If you’re constantly fatigued and tired, a food intolerance could be the culprit. It can drain your energy levels, causing you to feel groggy, restless and worn out.
3) Your skin is itchy/you are developing eczema
A food intolerance can cause your skin to be blotchy, itchy and covered in eczema. If you’re noticing that after eating a certain type of food your skin is inflamed, try to work out what is causing it by monitoring when it occurs, what you’re eating and by taking a food sensitivity test.
4) You’re getting constant migraines/headaches
Headaches and migraines are horrible to have. And a food intolerance might just be the reason that you’re having them. After removing the food that’s triggering them, you will notice a drastic change in how frequent you are having migraines and headaches.
5) You’re constantly bloated
If you’re bloated after eating a meal, it can be a sign that you’re intolerant to a certain element of it. Take notice of when this happens and try to cut down on the food in question.
6) You are having IBS symptoms
IBS can wreak havoc within your digestive system, as can a food intolerance. If you’re constipated, have abdominal pains and have excessive wind, it could be a sign of intolerance.
Those are just six of the key signs that you have a food intolerance. If you still aren’t sure, as well as taking an at-home food sensitivity test, tracking your diet and cutting down on the type of food that you think you are intolerant too, it’s important to visit your doctor and ask for dietary advice.
Do you have any of these symptoms? What has worked for you to address issues? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!
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