The old cliché states that looking good makes you feel good. However, it’s not simply a case of boosting your self-confidence. When you go the extra mile to stay on top of your appearances, it can actually increase your health too.
Here are seven examples where health and beauty truly go hand in hand.
1| Getting A Good Night’s Sleep
While you could spend a lifetime trying to make positive changes during the working hours, it’s what you do at night that truly matters. It is no exaggeration to suggest that a good night’s sleep should become a priority. It can aid the appearance of your skin, not least around the eyes, while also helping your hair and nails.
Health benefits include a better mood, increased energy levels, and a better posture. Each of these can also support your bid for a better appearance. The best ways to get a better night’s sleep are to invest in a better mattress, and allow your body to relax. Turn off the screens to avoid the blue light and have a shower or bath. Once you get into bed, you should drift off far more easily.
Better still, you’ll reach the REM stage of sleep. This means an increase in quality as well as duration.
2| Investing In Your Smile
If you ask 100 people to pick one feature that they love on a partner and want for themselves, a winning smile is the top answer. Maybe you weren’t blessed with the straightest or whitest teeth, but good oral hygiene still goes a long way. Whether it’s aligning the teeth or treating the difficult to clean wisdom teeth, the beauty benefits are huge. As long as you follow this up with the right daily cleaning ritual, you can see lasting results.
Oral health also serves as an accurate barometer of your general well-being. A dentist can check for conditions relating to your mouth, as well as those that may spread to other parts of the body. This can indirectly bring several benefits to your appearance as your body won’t show the signs of those health issues.
Essentially, then, taking care of your oral health will give you another reason to smile.
3| Getting Fitter
While you needn’t become an athlete bodybuilder, most people associate a fit physique with good looks. Whether it’s building a little extra muscle through strength exercises or using cardio to get a little slimmer is up to you. Either way, it is seen as a way to improve your beauty. Even a small level of progress can transform your look.
In truth, though, the chief incentives should come from the health benefits. You can boost your posture, strength, immunity, and mental health in one fell swoop. Likewise, your resting heartbeat will improve while your blood pressure and organs will see benefits. For the best results, you should combine this with increased hydration, which will also aid your skin.
You should see benefits, looks-based and health-based, within a few weeks.
4| Improved Skin Care
Most people that go the extra mile to keep their skin looking great do so for the appearances. Fresh, hydrated, clean skin that is free from wrinkles is deemed beautiful. Whether it’s through drinking more water, using moisturizers, or other steps doesn’t matter. Once again, a good night’s sleep will have a positive impact too. Underestimate it at your peril.
There are many reasons to enhance your skincare rituals. The skin is the largest organ and serves as a barrier to your body. Meanwhile, it is at constant exposure to the elements. As such, it’s vital that you protect it with sunblock and creams designed to battle the cold. Conversely, when you let your skin go unloved, it can show in other parts of your health and appearance.
You’ll look better, gain increased confidence, and feel better on the inside.
5| Treating Your Hair
Your hairstyle says a lot about you, and can have a huge impact on your overall look. Oddly, though, it can also have a big impact on your health. This is something that can be difficult to appreciate at first. However, when you think about the fact you will breathe in whatever chemicals and ingredients are on your hair, the health benefits are clear.
Depending on your workplace, it may be better to choose a shorter style. Although you can protect the hair with accessories. Meanwhile, men should consider their beards too as they can be a worse breeding ground for bacteria than pet fur. Again, keeping the beard healthy will actually aid the look of it too.
Professional hairstyling followed by good ongoing care will work wonders.
6| Nail Care
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We use our hands for virtually all communication, as well as eating and other daily tasks. Whether you bite your nails, suffer from cracking, or have any other issue doesn’t matter. Improving your daily nail care routines will improve your look and send self-confidence levels through the roof. In turn, this can aid your health too.
After all, breaking your nails and minor wounds can leave you open to bacterial infections. Likewise, eating the dirt that is trapped under your finger can cause serious health issues. Moreover, it’s hardly an attractive habit to be caught biting your nails or chewing cuticles. Therefore, regular manicures both at home and from the salon can work wonders.
It’s one of the easier tips to get right, and can encourage improvements elsewhere.
7| Smiling More Often
There’s no escaping the fact that many people paint on fake smiles to keep up appearances on social media. It can be argued that going the extra mile to get the perfect selfie is a little vain. Still, there is no doubting that positive and happiness encourage more of it to follow. Consequently, this is great for your mental health.
It’s important to find the right balance as to avoid piling unnecessary pressure on yourself. Still, the pursuit of more smiles for the sake of appearances will inevitably boost your health too. It’s also nice to know that your positivity will spread to your friends and family in your life. Ultimately, there’s nothing more beautiful.
Make a conscious effort to showcase a happy exterior, and it can support interior happiness too.
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