Not only can chronic infestations make your dog miserable if they are left untreated but they can also result in infections and flea-related diseases of a more serious nature. This is why it is important to make sure you are aware of the symptoms and signs that are associated with flea infestations. This, along with quick treatment, is going to mean you will be able to help keep your dog and her environment one that is very healthy.
There are a number of different symptoms to look out for when it comes to flea allergies in dogs. This includes red bumps or pimples. These symptoms will often turn up on your dog’s belly or groin, as well as at the base of her tail, under her legs, and on your dog’s behind. Continual scratching or itching of these places can cause dry skin and hair loss. If this is not treated, infection and crusty lesions can develop and your dog may also end up with a more serious flea-related disease.
Another sign that your dog has a flea infestation is if he or she is scratching and itching all of the time. Just like parasites, fleas depend on a host animal in order to survive. In this instance, it is your dog’s blood. The protein in the flea saliva is something that a lot of dogs can be allergic to, which result in the dog scratching or itching as soon as the flea bites their skin. Even one bite from a flea can result in a dog becoming agitated or nervous, resulting in it scratching excessively for a number of days.
If you have noticed and of the signs that have been mentioned, there are a number of checks you can do in order to discover whether you need to look into flea treatment for dogs. You should make it a habit to check your dog’s brush or combing during frequent grooming sessions. If you think that there could be an issue, there are a number of ways that you can check to see if your dog has fleas. This includes the white towel test, flea comb test, and visual check.
A white towel test involves getting your dog to stand on a white cloth or paper towel. You should then rub or brush her coat to see if there are any black droppings onto the towel. Flea dirt appears like small sand grains and will turn red if water is applied. You can also get a flea comb from your local pet store. Simply conducting a visual check is another option. Adult fleas are brown and small, which means they can also be spotted with the naked eye.
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of what you should consider when looking to see if your dog has fleas. If you think that your dog could have fleas, it is important to take action rather than to ignore these signs.
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