(Sore throat symptoms are never pleasant. Swallowing can be difficult when it causes you to feel pain. You might feel itchiness and burning sensations, and there could be other symptoms of ill health to coincide with your throat pain. You might experience headaches and feelings of fatigue, for example, if you are stricken down with […]
When To Worry About Back Pain In Children
Back pain in children is becoming more common in recent years. Back pain tends to affect more girls than boys, although it is still more unusual in children than it is in adults. While more children are experiencing back pain, very few see their doctor about it. If you’re concerned about your child’s back health, […]
A Short Guide to Wellness
Your wellness is very important; if there are any imperfections in it, you tend to feel off-balance, stressed, frustrated, and possibly angry. Conversely, if your wellness is working optimally, you feel energized, happy, confident, and inspired. Though it’s winter now and the nights are shorter and colder, you can still focus on your wellness and […]
Tips To Help Kids With Their Dental Hygiene
Dental hygiene plays an important part in helping your child follow a healthy lifestyle. My 9 year old is a rock star at the dentist, but not all kiddos are as fearless. In fact, most adults, including myself aren’t as fearless as she is when it comes to having dental work done. As a result, […]
Signs You Need To Get Your Hearing Checked
There are a lot of health issues that we really don’t take that much time to think about compared to others. The only time we think about our hearing health is likely to be whenever we notice a change in it. However, how do you know the difference between a benign and temporary change in […]
Ear, Ear! Signs Of Hearing Loss
As you grow up, you notice when your eyesight is going. You squint a little more to see signs as you drive and you can’t see the television as far as you could before. You go to the cinema and work and you get headaches because your eyes are straining to see the screens. Hearing […]
4 Natural Ways to Help Heal Your Body
Healing amounts to finding a synergy between mind, body, emotions, and soul. Attaining this balance is critical in meeting your health and wellness goals, whether you are recovering from a surgery, battling an illness, or just starting on a healthy living journey. Despite the popularity of pharmaceutical drugs, the drive towards natural solutions has gained […]
7 Ways To Work On Your Wellness
There’s definitely something about wellness that makes us feel amazing. Yet, we don’t always make it a priority. As much as we may not all realize it, it’s absolutely vital to our mental health and sanity if we can just prioritize our wellbeing a little more. A lot of the time, you can think that […]
Focusing On Your Health: It’s More Than A Resolution
A New Year is upon us and everyone is busy determining what words of the years will be with hopes of being a better version of oneself. The biggest and most popular resolution that people engage in for the New Year is always health related. If it’s not a resolution to lose weight, it’s to […]
5 Ways You’re Probably Neglecting Your Health
Sick of feeling tired and sluggish or under the weather? Suffering with fatigue and low energy, or worried about how your lifestyle could be affecting you long term? Here are some ways you might be damaging your health without realizing, and what to do about it! Not Eating Enough Fruit & Veggies Many of us overestimate how much fruit […]