Your hearing is precious, and just like any other organ or body part, you aren’t going to be able to do much if you end up damaging the eardrum or canal. A loss of hearing or partial hearing loss can end up being very restrictive, so here are some tips to look after your hearing […]
The Things To Expect As You Get Older
We can all be a little focused on the here and now and less likely to think about what our future holds. After all, we have no idea what tomorrow brings. But the truth is, a little thought to the future, putting plans in place, and making changes right now can have such a positive […]
Do You Have A Health Care Plan For Aged Living?
Sooner or later, you’ll have to start planning for your health care when you’re older. Things are going to change, starting off with your body. Your joints are going to start needing a little more effort to get going and give you the full range of movement. Your muscles will get tired quicker. Your skin […]
How to be a Supportive Child to Aging Parents
Boy does this one hit home right now for so many reasons. As I get older (and hopefully wiser) I realize there is beauty to ageing, but it’s also really hard. There are different stages we go through in our relationship with our parents. We’re young, and they look after us. We become adults, and […]
Things You Can Do Today To Boost Your Future Health
We’re not getting any younger folks. It’s easy to take today’s health for granted, but will you regret it tomorrow? i’m almost certain I will but it’s been a good ride. That doesn’t mean that I can’t take steps now though, to make things a bit easier as I continue my journey . It’s difficult […]